If you have never played the RJali-Mod before, then this thread could be for you. I hope you interested.

No need to tell you, that am a big fan of the Rjali-mod. Otherwise, why would I write here? The Rjali-mod is unbelievably vast and extensive (so many aspects that I couldn't even begin to tell about all of them). And it brings the game to a whole new era in that it gives us multi-romance possibilities that were unheard of before. With this thread I would like to give you a few pointers, so that you can enjoy the mod as much as I do and - maybe - become a fan as well.

So - getting started!
Hope it helps you, Seewead
Postscript: Be advised that this thread will bring you some little meta-knowledge (e.g. minimal spoilers).
Do I have to play PSTEE and BGEE first before I should use the Rjali-mod (with BG2EE)?
Well, it is true, that the Rjali-mod reminisces a lot about the content of PSTEE. So if you have played PSTEE before, it will be fantastic in that you will meet a lot of people again and see a lot of the old places. That is one of the many intriguing parts of the mod. And it is - as far as I know - truly unique in its kind: Where else can you meet Ravel, Annah, Fall-from-Grace and all the others again? And what is more: The Rjali-mod incorporates 3 different elaborate romances with these ladys of PSTEE. So you even get the chance to kiss them - if you can believe that.
I myself have never played PSTEE. But because of that, I might be in the position to evaluate and I can assure you: There is really no need to play PSTEE prior to the Rjali-mod (with BG2EE). Right, on a few occasions I didn't understand everything "right off the bat", because I simply had not the corresponding background information. But that didn't turn out to be a problem. Most aspects you catch on pretty quick, because it really isn't that complicated. And the few aspects that I didn't understand in their whole extend posed no hindrance at all.
Same goes for the Jini-mod (written by the same author), which takes place during BGEE. I am sure it is great, but I have not had the opportunity to try it out yet. And though it finds its continuation in the Rjali-mod, it is not _nesessary_ to know it in any way. But it seems reasonable to assume that you would enjoy the story of Jini and Fay even more so if you had the prior experience of the Jini-mod in BGEE. So while it is not a requirement at all, one should guess that the Rjali-mod becomes even better when you have played the Jini-mod before.

Edit: small change in thread-title and formulation and added content about PSTEE and BGEE