Dear Nullset, you have done so much already for the community of baldurs gate - no one could ask for more!
Nullset wrote: "This is NOT a simple project." Dear Sir, I am not questioning this, at all. I bet, it would even mean a ton of extra-work! I am just asking further to understand the complexity of the matter, honestly:
A.Well, I read about the conversion of mods for EET-support here ( ). As far as I understand this, at least your new Jini-Mod, that you are currently working on, should pose no problem for EET. In the forementioned place it says:
"3. BG:EE only mods
If the mod is compatible with BG:EE and only has BG1 content than adding compatibility can be achieved in two different ways. Either let the mod be installed on BG:EE previous to installing EET on BG2:EE (no problem if the mod doesn't conflict with BG2 content - this can be checked with another tool available in the package - let me know if you would like your mod to be supported by EET this way) or implement native compatibility."So - problem solved for the upcoming Jini-Mod? Because I can just install it before EET? Can it be that simple? That would be just to good to be true!
Either way, I hope I am allowed to ask: Since you are creating your new Jini-Mod from scratch - you think, it would be possible to give it even native support? In any way it will mean very much for me, looking forward to a new run of the game in the future, combining your Jini-Mod, EET and Siege of Dragenspear! Just imagine!
B.When it comes to the Rjali-Mod, so far I was under the impression, that the conversion would be hard work, but at least possible. If I may quote again the forementioned text:
2. BG2:EE only mods
If the mod is compatible with BG2:EE and only has BG2 content than adding compatibility is a matter of minutes.Well, I bet, this is only a sweet little lie
. As far as I have understood the problem so far, two aspects need to be adressed:
Because EET uses a continuous journal and chapters system that keeps track of all 22 chapters of your journey, the chapters of SoA have to be renamed (from 13 to 19 instead of 1-7). Same goes for TOB (chapters from 20 to 22 instead of 8-10). Am I correct so far?
"Sounds like a nightmare thing to do manually? No worry, both GAME_IS patching and chapter variable implementation can be implemented automatically with EET_modConverter tool available within mod package." ( )
So, the
EET_modConverter tool does it all by itself? Does that really work, man? I bet it does not function that smoothly by far!
And as far as I understand, a change of area-references could be nessesary MAYBE? At least EET supports a big-world-map, that seems to be optional to use though ( ). Nevertheless is your RJali-Mod giving a lot of areas itself, so maybe this would lead to quite some amount of work for a conversion? Is this true?
O.k., here comes the
real bummer: Nullset wrote: "A number of the romance mods covered by Rjali are not (yet) compatable with EET.". Yeah, I can imagine. For a perfect adaptation of your mod to EET, one would need to converse all the other romance mods to EET allright. But you know, what I think? The authors of these mods (or there successors) will do that in due time for themselfs. Why? Because EET will be the gold-standard shortly and THE way of playing the game, will it not be?
Uh, just some thoughts of mine. But let me unterline: I know for sure, that the EET-conversion for the RJali-Mod would pose a significant pile of work for you and that the conversion is not in sight. Simply because you have "all your hands full" with the birth of the Jini-Mod (can't wait for that, man!). As for you beeing old, dear Sir: Your modding-work says otherwise and proves your age a lie.
Best regards, Seewead