
I'm not very good with introductions and stuff, but what I do have is a very particular set of skills. Skills... that don't really include programming or modding, but nevertheless I have attempted to do those things anyway. Mostly by examining other mods and trying to figure from them how to do stuff. These are a couple of the mods I've made:

Aerie in BG 1.

This was the very first mod I ever attempted to make. It's small, really. Basically, Aerie in BG2 says that her circus visited Nashkel sometimes, so I figured why not give her a cameo there. I'd thought about introducing some other BG2 NPC's through cameos as well, but then BG2:EE came out and I kind of lost interest. But I've since polished it a little bit. When I first starting modding I got so carried with actually seeing stuff in game that I put in a lot of quite silly banter. Now it's been rewritten, trimmed, and most of the silliness taken out.

Tenya for BG:EE

This is the first NPC mod I have made. Taking a minor character you meet in BG and fleshing her out into a companion. At first I thought she would just be a funny companion referencing characters like Arya Stark... but, Tenya actually kind of grew in her own right over time.

I have also been working on a BG2 mod for Aerie to give her a personal quest and allow us to actually see her develop as a hero and adventurer (as opposed to her suddenly just becoming a bad-ass in ToB). I'll share more when it's a little further along... at the moment, it has a lot of ideas, some of which work, some don't, others that I need to figure out if they can or should actually be implemented or not.

These mods have been made with the Enhanced Editions of the game.