First of all cheers for the replies helped me to move a bit forward

However i'm not sure how to code it in the files.
From looking up the lilarcor codes etc i've learned (if i'm not wrong that is):
- IF
DisplayStringHeadOwner("Myitemcode", mystrref)
In the bcs file, there are 2 versions one 600 and one 125, both with different strrefs, I'm guessing this is the delay for when the sound file plays? why is this coded in 2 delays?
Do I have to add the new lines to the end of the .bcs files?
And also with ToB I have to code the exact same lines in the Baldur25.bcs? I'm pretty sure i do but just being sure =)
- I've figured out how to add a new strref line in the dialog.tlk file and added the sound recourse name
Here i've found the references are to a .bif file with subsequent .wav files for the sound.
Do i have to do the same with my custom .wav files, as in make em into a .bif if that's at all possible since I can't seem to build a .bif using DLTC?
And if I do does it at all matter where in the bg2 folder I put the .bif file since the path to the file isn't specified anywhere.
I guess some of these questions might be dumb or are just so obvious nobody has asked it before but tried to figure out as much on my own and the intrawebs but if anyone has the time and patience to explain the programming proces for this to me it would be greatly appreciated since as I said I'm completely new to modmaking