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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Vlad's Compilation > Baldurdash-WeiDU
Bereth Darkides

What is up with the EXTREME Copper Coronet guards? Is this out of balanced upgrade from Baldurdash or from Tortured Souls 1.07? Please let me know.

Trying to play a "CORE" game here.

Am I to expect these major increases and overbalances throughout the game. I don't like having to spend 2000gp per person I have to kill on Potions of extra healing. (Oh and I love the fact that they NEVER miss and the poison that comes from nowhere, even against an AC of -7....& Hit points... etc.. WTF?).

BTW it took me 1.5 hours to kill 5 Copper Coronet Guards without having anyone in my party die (most times they managed to kill two of my characters).

I uninstalled NeJ for this very reason, please don't tell me that all the mods found on this board are like this!

It is an optional component. You may install it or may not. smile.gif
I would have appreciated a warning for that particular component. Even on normal difficulty it is absolutely ridiculous.

The rather spartan description for that component is simply "Restored Copper Coronet." I'm assuming this is "restored" from the point of view of supreme power gamers who play through with two Diviner specialty mages with minimum ability scores for the challenge of the tactical combat or some such. Whatever, I had to uninstall and reinstall to remove that in order to get through the Copper Coronet. There is simply no way that that encounter was originally designed to be that difficult, its easier to beat Irenicus solo that take down the magic poison guards who never miss. Seriously guys, wtf.
I could never understand this. You come to the slaver headquartes at your pretty low level, and take the whole headquarter just for fun. The original guards having 7th level spells in their inventory are loosy weakers. What the hell is this? I just recall Fallout 2 where you cannot take Metzger too early inspite of the fact that you come to him in the beginning of the game. BG2 is seriously unballanced in a favour of a player. I fully support Sikret in this. We should do something to bring a challenging gameplay back to players. That is why I called it "restored", and you are not supposed to wipe out this place in Chapter 2. Also the reward you get for completing this quest is unappropriate in Chapter 2 and does not correspond to the easy level of the quest. Finally, if you play NeJ2, the original quest is simply a laugh for any single player of your group. For conclusion, I don't see any problem here. You have many options: to install, not to install, uninstall, reinstall, play, not to play, pass, wait, come later etc.
I think it's more about a missing "you'll get SMASHed here" warning rather than high difficulty itself, really. I too would be quite surprised to find abovementioned bunch of 'loosy weakers' (as I know what they are supposed to be, since I've played it so for many times) suddenly getting uber tough.
Ardanis is spot on.

I eventually did reinstall and kill them all, and in Chapter 2 just to prove I could, but I think a warning would be appropriate. It was quite a shock to roll up in the Copper Coronet and get beat by those guys, which in all my previous plays had been like the very first quest I did.

Bereth Darkides
Wow.. I guess what I am saying isn't so Invalid after all eh Sikret! At least I'm not the only person who thinks so. I do notice though that most times those who come to your defense are other developers.

If you cared one little bit about core rules, actual AD&D Creatures etc. etc. there would be no fussing AT ALL by anyone, not even by me. Difficulty was never the issue, how you get it, IS the issue. You could make this game, all of you developers could make these games ROCK, and I do mean ROCK. But you seem more into stroking your own egos and attempting to call it tactics when all your doing, plain and simple is cheating the PC out of a fair game.

You can make difficulty, without making up your own invalid made up creatures/henchmen powers that follow no balancing guidlines and giving it an anything goes policy in the same breath you call it AD&D..

I mean this in the nicest way so please don't take offense when I say, you need to do some reading about AD&D 1000 times more than I need to read even one sentence about a vanilla game. Understand I am actually trying to help, not hinder!

You must understand, I'm 40 years old. I've DM'd at Gen Con. I have 31 years of hardcore experience. I've have some of my work published in "Dragon" Magazine. This game "Baldurs Gate" has been available for 10 years and three months!

When the Creators of Baldur's Gate decided to make a game, they called in professional DM's and Writers to guide the entire team of developers for a good reason.

Tell you What Sikret and Vlad, I will do you a favor, offer you a challenge. I will write you and entire add-on based on AD&D Core rules: I will write the creatures found, the magic found, the NPC's Found, the story, the REAL tactics etc. I will lay it out completely. You guys can put to the game engine. Now I guarantee you a work that the fans here will go ape-shit for. You don't want easy, no problem. I'll set it for game levels 11 through 16. It will have tactics the likes of which you have Never seen or even conceived. It will be filled with danger to NPC's (permanent death risks; oh don't worry I know exactly how you can code it thumb.gif evil grin) and PC's will know the risks and even given an option to Not go for it!

This is a legitimate offer. It will not rely on Baldurdash, or anything else and may never even need one single patch!

What do you say?
I will write ... the REAL tactics etc.
I would highly appreciate it as well. As I can't be certain my own knowledge of various combat challenges is large enough.
I will write ... the REAL tactics etc.

Bereth weren't you doing this already? I mean this is not a new subject. blah blah you are not following the rules. I can, I can. but we have not seen anything yet. it is easy to say, but another to do.

I am getting fairly sick of people talking big but doing nothing.
Yeah, I too remmember you wrote once you could put together something like "Creature Vs. Player" table, but since then nothing happened. I don´t know, maybe you were busy with RL or so, but first, make something on your own, at least try it, some simple battle or quest mode for BG, and after than talk about it. It is not so easy I assure you...

I would be very glad to see something of your production. If it´s true you were a DM for nearly 31 years, I guess your mod would be a prefect one I would be playing again and again. No offence of course.
Bereth Darkides
yes I did say that some time ago. But many people told me to go away of forget it etc. I am in the middle of writing this new script for Vlad as we type..ahem. It should be finished in about a month from today!

Glad to hear smile.gif
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