Wow.. I guess what I am saying isn't so Invalid after all eh Sikret! At least I'm not the only person who thinks so. I do notice though that most times those who come to your defense are other developers.
If you cared one little bit about core rules, actual AD&D Creatures etc. etc. there would be no fussing AT ALL by anyone, not even by me. Difficulty was never the issue, how you get it, IS the issue. You could make this game, all of you developers could make these games ROCK, and I do mean ROCK. But you seem more into stroking your own egos and attempting to call it tactics when all your doing, plain and simple is cheating the PC out of a fair game.
You can make difficulty, without making up your own invalid made up creatures/henchmen powers that follow no balancing guidlines and giving it an anything goes policy in the same breath you call it AD&D..
I mean this in the nicest way so please don't take offense when I say, you need to do some reading about AD&D 1000 times more than I need to read even one sentence about a vanilla game. Understand I am actually trying to help, not hinder!
You must understand, I'm 40 years old. I've DM'd at Gen Con. I have 31 years of hardcore experience. I've have some of my work published in "Dragon" Magazine. This game "Baldurs Gate" has been available for 10 years and three months!
When the Creators of Baldur's Gate decided to make a game, they called in professional DM's and Writers to guide the entire team of developers for a good reason.
Tell you What Sikret and Vlad, I will do you a favor, offer you a challenge. I will write you and entire add-on based on AD&D Core rules: I will write the creatures found, the magic found, the NPC's Found, the story, the REAL tactics etc. I will lay it out completely. You guys can put to the game engine. Now I guarantee you a work that the fans here will go ape-shit for. You don't want easy, no problem. I'll set it for game levels 11 through 16. It will have tactics the likes of which you have Never seen or even conceived. It will be filled with danger to NPC's (permanent death risks; oh don't worry I know exactly how you can code it

evil grin) and PC's will know the risks and even given an option to Not go for it!
This is a legitimate offer. It will not rely on Baldurdash, or anything else and may never even need one single patch!
What do you say?