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Full Version: Question about 'older' versions of TS
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Vlad's Compilation > Tortured Souls
Beer Goggles
Hello there!
Having recently come back to Baldur's Gate and it's dedicated modding community after several years, I just wondered about previous versions of Tortured Souls that I have gathered in the past and whether they're still good for any installation I now plan?

As is clear, 7.02 is the latest version, with 6.10 being the one to use with a BP/mega-mod install. Also needed for BGT are Setup-BGT.tp2 and bgtsongs.

Are the following still good for compatibility reasons or are they totally obsolete now? (I have assumed the latter):

- v6.11, v5.01, 5.03, 5.04, 5.06, 5.10 (still available on the download page)
- what about TSv55, TSv603, TSv50 for BP, TS-BPv6.04.01 (I'm a bit of a hoarder!)

Also a couple of other files: Setup-TS.tp2 and GZombie.cre

Any advice appreciated. (Apologies, my NeJ post is even 'worse'!).
Hello Beer Goggles,

Here at this forum we advise you to use only the latest versions of TS and only with the approved mods. All older versions and version for use with a 'Mega' Mod are not supported here.
Beer Goggles
Cheers Chev,
I'm not necessarily asking for support on the files though, just if they're obsolete. After a few years away from the game I just wanted to see which old files I could safely delete without losing anything so that I don't have to carry them around for another few years!

(And again, I know to keep well away from mega-mod discussion on this forum).

Beer Goggles
OK, maybe if I narrow it down to just the files on the Black Wyrm download page. Are the TS files up there still useful for any projects going on at BWL, or have they been totally superceded by v7.02?

The files are v6.11, v5.01, 5.03, 5.04, 5.06 and 5.10.

I myself have never heard about any mod combos featuring TS other than TS+NEJ and MegaMod. So, unless you intentionally plan to use older versions for whatever archaeological purpose, there is no need to keep anything but the latest one. And speaking of Mega thing, it iirc has it's own corrected and adjusted versions somewhere else. So, you can safely delete all the others.

PS I wish I was more informed about the subject. Ah well...
I would save the non-WeiDU versions 5.01 + 5.03 + 5.04 and TS v55 (these are separate installs). They have been thoroughly tested and very stable if you install TS first, right after installation of ToB and Baldurdash (non-WeiDU) v 1.12.

NeJ2 - save only the latest version 6.91 + 6.93 and 6.94.
Beer Goggles
Cheers Vlad. Glad to see you're still 'keeping the flag flying' - I remember getting your original Travellers in Time ch1 off you before you joined forces with TeamBG (and latterly BWL of course).

Thanks for your help and reply too, Ardanis.
Cheers to you too! smile.gif
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