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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mod development resources & discussion > Modder's Workshop
This piece of code is supposed to patch all .spl files to have their animation overlays (such as Fireshield Red) be played inside an external .eff file rather than the .spl file itself.

It looks pretty good until I get to the WRITE_ASCII 0x30 ~%resource%~ part. Instead of writing the string stored inside the variable, it writes "%RESOURC" instead. Is there any way to fix this?

COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.spl$~ ~override~
PATCH_IF (SOURCE_SIZE > 0x71) BEGIN     // Protects against invalid files
    READ_LONG  0x64 ext_off
    READ_SHORT 0x68 ext_num
    READ_LONG  0x6a fb_off
    SET graphicsduration = 0
    FOR (outerloops = 0; outerloops < ext_num; outerloops += 1) BEGIN
        READ_SHORT ( outerloops * 0x28 + ext_off + 0x1e ) eff_num
        READ_SHORT ( outerloops * 0x28 + ext_off + 0x20 ) eff_off
        FOR (innerloops = 0; innerloops < eff_num; innerloops += 1) BEGIN
            SET "tot_off" = ("%fb_off%" + ("%eff_off%" + "%innerloops%") * 0x30)
                 READ_SHORT    "%tot_off%"         opcode    // Reads opcode
                 READ_LONG     "%tot_off%" + 0x04  param1    // Reads parameter 1
                 READ_LONG     "%tot_off%" + 0x08  param2    // Reads parameter 2
                   READ_LONG     "%tot_off%" + 0x0e duration // Reads duration
                 READ_ASCII    "%tot_off%" + 0x14 resource    // Reads resource
            PATCH_IF ( opcode = 215 AND param2 = 1 AND duration > 5 ) BEGIN
                     WRITE_SHORT    "%tot_off%"  272        // Apply Effect on Condition [Opcode 272]
                     WRITE_LONG     "%tot_off%" + 0x04  1    // Frequency [Parameter 1]
                     WRITE_LONG     "%tot_off%" + 0x08  3    // Type [Parameter 2]
                PATCH_IF !( FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%resource%.eff~ ) BEGIN
                    INNER_ACTION BEGIN
                        COPY_EXISTING ~BOLTELEM.eff~ ~override\%resource%.eff~
                              WRITE_LONG 0x10 215            // Play 3D Effect [Opcode 215]
                              WRITE_LONG 0x14 1                // Set target type to self
                              WRITE_LONG 0x1c 0             // Undetermined [Parameter 1]
                              WRITE_LONG 0x20 1             // Effect State: Play over target [Parameter 2]
                              WRITE_ASCII 0x30 ~%resource%~    (8)    // Resource played
                              WRITE_LONG 0x38 0             // Dice Thrown
                              WRITE_LONG 0x3c 0             // Dice Sides

Did you try it with "%resource%" ? (Yes, the quotation marks are literal, I use them instead of tildes ~).
Yes, they yield the same results.

What about:

READ_ASCII "%tot_off%" + 0x14 "resource" // Reads resource

That is, enclose resource in quotation marks.
I am starting to think this is a WeiDU bug, so I made a post over there.

I followed the link you gave, you got a reply there. It's WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII. It seems it has consequences that I haven't written anything special in TP2 for a long time. smile.gif
And I even started to develop a Weiego!

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