Jul 14 2008, 03:49 AM
I was really enjoying this mod until I went and talked to the mother of Kachiko and then entered the next room. There are 2 exits from the main room, one to the left and one up top and to the right down a natural corridor. Both exits lead my game to crash everytime. And I of course can't get back out of the area, so my game is officially dead. Is there some sort of fix for this? Please help asap, as this bug has completely halted the game I have put hours and hours into. Thank you in advance.
Jul 14 2008, 04:14 AM
Well I just read that the BG2 fixpack is incompatible. I went ahead and uninstalled it, but I'm guessing my current game is not recoverable...which really sucks. I'm not starting a whole new game, considering I did nearly every single quest for Chapter 2 and 3. If there's some way to fix this, I'd really appreciate any help.
Jul 14 2008, 04:22 AM
Okay I just reloaded an old game and skipped the island part of the mod (the majority of the mod) and went straight to the Spellhold island. Yoshimo and Kachiko told me goodbye and good luck. Then after the cutscene, we arrive and they are still with me and Sime mentioned something about Saemon's behavior on the island. Does this mean I can continue as if we had gone to the island? That would be awesome (even though I was enjoying the quests on the island).
Jul 14 2008, 06:54 AM
Nevermind. I get to Irenicus, and I have to kill Yoshimo as usual. And to make matters worse, Kachiko leaves when he dies, so I lose 2 party members I've built up. It's a damn shame. Really enjoyed this mod up til now. Guess I'll reload in Athkatla and dump Yoshimo and Kachiko and pick up two others. Unfortunately, I guess I need to uninstall this mod and dump Sime too just in case there are further bugs. I was really impressed with the parts that worked by the way. Very well done.
Jul 14 2008, 12:50 PM
Well I just read that the BG2 fixpack is incompatible. I went ahead and uninstalled it, but I'm guessing my current game is not recoverable...which really sucks.
All you need - to install Baldurdash WeiDU 1.66 and a little fix about Guarded Compound. And to begin a new game, of course. Why you need this mod if you miss Curse Island?
And don't use incompatible mods...
Jul 14 2008, 03:35 PM
Figured as much. Oh well, done too much this run-through to start completely over. And I only come back and play this at most once a year (probably once per two years) as it is somewhat fresh again. Again, nice mod from what I saw. Too bad I can't play it. It's my own damn fault for not researching compatibility issues well enough. (Boots Yoshimo and calls to Jan: "Yer back in the group, short stuff!")
Jul 15 2008, 10:26 AM
The same problem here.
And I was sooo enjoying this mod...
I have TS v. 7.02. I installed Baldurdash fixpack 1.66, then TS and then Unfinished B. I searched forums and didn't find any compatibility problems (TS vs. UB). But evidently it's there. Nevermind, at least maybe now I'll find some time to write my diploma thesis.
Jul 15 2008, 11:11 AM
TS and UB is NOT compatible
Jul 15 2008, 02:22 PM
QUOTE(Senka @ Jul 15 2008, 01:11 PM)
TS and UB is NOT compatible
Next time, I'll know.
But somohow it works again! I just reinstalled TS - ANIMATIONS
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