Jun 7 2008, 03:31 AM
HI Vlad,
I have finished the current version of NEJ and eagerly await part 3. While I can understand that RL, modding burnout, and even the negative comments of some players may mean you are disinclined to start part 3, this at least is one eager fan who is willing to get down on bended knee and beg for more of your brilliant work:)!!
I would like to put out a plea for other mod players and modders who appreciate the effort and final product that is NEJ to also post positive feedback and encourage Vlad to continue his epic endeavour!
Maybe if we all show enough support, we can stir the sleeping dragon...
Cheers to you Vlad.
Jun 8 2008, 08:35 PM
A great mod
i finished it three times so far
I would love to play part three
Jun 11 2008, 06:33 AM
While there are many good mods out there (too many to name), NEJ is my favorite one.
The storyline is good, and the game stability is the best I have seen.
In all honesty, my main reason for visiting these forums is see if any additions to NEJ were made.
I too eagerly await the next part
Jun 13 2008, 10:53 PM
Thank you!!!
I think I've done with computer games in general, and modding, in particular for some (probably long) time. So I doubt you'll see Part 3 in the proximate future. However, I have all the material written by Larrienne for Part 3. So if someone wishes to continue, I'll be more than willing to share all this material with him/her.
Good luck!
P.S. These are not the "farewell" words. I hope I'll have more time in future. At the present moment I have no time at all to waste it for computer gaming. There are a lot of things in RL, which take my time and efforts now. So the virtuality should wait.
Jun 14 2008, 07:31 AM
It is very understandable Vlad and I still offer help in any way. I could probably assemble a team here at BLW with Baronius' help to add the part 3 (or parts of it) to get some added. Whoever does get the distinguished honor will have a big responsibility to match your efforts.

I would sure give it a try and try my hardest.
We know you aren't going forever. Good luck with the RL and all the best!
Aug 23 2008, 04:21 PM
Just want to say that whenever the mod will be finished (1 year or 5) I'll be around to play it. It's story is the best of what I've seen in IE modding so far.
I wish I could say that I'll try to undertake the quest to finish it, but having lost any desire to mod games makes it kind of impossible.
Good luck.
Aug 23 2008, 07:49 PM
Well, what can I say. It's a pity. I enjoyed playing the first part within a megamod... to be honest, I didn't finish it, because I didn't find the time to continue.
I'm looking forward to playing it! I hope there will be a NEJ3 after all, because it would be a shame to let a great story unfinished!
Dec 14 2008, 12:12 PM
Just a question... Is anyone working on NEJ3? I mean, Vlad isn't as far as I know, but probably someone else?
Dec 14 2008, 05:17 PM
I think Vlad is the only one. Making NEJ, that's it.
Dec 14 2008, 10:55 PM
It's not my sole work. Larrienne is also working on NeJ2 part 3. She is coming back.
Anyway, until I finish Keldorn, no further work on part 3 will be performed.
Dec 15 2008, 12:13 AM
Alright, nice to know.
But you confused me with the mod title...
Isn't there NEJ 1, 2 and 3 (which hasn't been released yet)? What's NEJ2 part 3? Is it the third part of NEJ2? And if so, will there be also a NEJ3?
Nov 10 2013, 07:36 PM
Hey, the forum is open for everyone again =D.
Also, I saw Vlad posting here again. Soooo.... does this mean we'll get part 3 after all? Is someone currently working on it?
Greetz to all of you,
Feb 25 2014, 06:35 PM
Yes, we are all back. And the work is in progress. But first of all is Keldorn, which is now in beta and compatibility with BGT which is almost over - I'm working now on the transition scene. There are several improved characters now in BGT, and in addition to Shar-Teel, Skie will be movable as well (she is now a good substitute for Imoen - mage/thief). I need her dialogues though, she is still silent in BG2/NeJ2.
Mar 11 2014, 10:48 PM
Aaah! Keldorn Romance near to be finished ! Good news indeed. I hope it will be quickly available here on BW. Bravo Vlad !
Apr 12 2014, 02:46 PM
Very nice to you guys working on it again. Good luck!
Oct 27 2014, 10:31 AM
Hi Vlad,
Great news that part3 is in beta-test. Do you plan to traify your mod? It would be great.
Oct 31 2014, 09:54 PM
Thanks. I won't do any TRA files or anything like that. No time, no wish, boring. But people are welcome to do that on their own. I'm doing mods for myself. Otherwise, I'd sell them like BGEE team is selling their mods.
Nov 1 2014, 08:27 PM
So, if someone traify NeJ or I would say one of your mod and translated it, will you be agreed to update your mod with this hypothetical translation? Or must we implement it by BWP?
Nov 3 2014, 07:12 PM
The source code of the mods is open

Welcome to do with it anything that you want. Just send me the repack and I'll upload it.

And I don't know how people handle BWP. I can hardly accommodate the NEJ NPCs in one game. Every time I need to take Yoshimo and Kachiko, I have a big problem.
Dec 14 2014, 05:05 PM

Any deadline?
BTW: Your mod are Great! Good Luck!
Dec 20 2014, 08:24 PM
We are in after beta testing. It means I need to finish my own walkthrough to clean the game from any residual glitches or of what I don't like. It will take not more than a month.
And of course, thank you for your nice words.
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