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Full Version: Weapon Grandmastery
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Vlad's Compilation > Baldurdash-WeiDU
Hey guys, so I have a quick question:

I've read the README and I can't seem to find any documentation regarding weapon grandmastery. From the description upon leveling up it says I should only get +2hit +3dmg -1weapon speed and 1/2 an attack. However, I think i am receiving the AD&D book value which is +3/+3 and 1 extra attack.

Was this change from BD Weidu, or did I get this from NEJ/TS? Not that I really mind because I prefer to have the old school bonuses, I'm just curious
This is an option of BD Weidu. Calls True Grandmastery
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