The problem is that IEEP refuses to run. I checked out TeamBG to see if anyone else had the problem and sure enough, I found the exact same thing (IEEP refuses to run).
Ok, so the advice in that forum was to use DLTCEP instead. This program will load up but I do get the error "Can't load MORALEAI.ids!" Other than this, it seems to be working fine once I found out where the "read-only" check was.
Now it's time to ask some questions.
1. Can DLTCEP do everything that IEEP does?
2. If not, does anyone know a solution to getting IEEP to run (I'd like to use this as there's a tutorial for item creation with IEEP and I don't see one for DLTCEP).
3. What does the failure to load MORALEAI.ids mean?
4. When I make an item, DLTCEP updates my dialog.tlk. Is it putting in strings? If I save the ITM somewhere else and then load it into a game with the original dialog.tlk, will the item not work?