QUOTE(Tervadh @ Jan 7 2008, 09:44 AM)

- What if a creature has a weapon like darts equipped, which slot does that get?
- If a CRE has a two-handed sword equipped, is that considered a sword?
I have thought little about these, so I would by lying if I do not say "I don't know".
But what I do know is you could make ranged weapons appear as a different weapon (like a sword for instance), use the dart projectile, have it inflict missile damage, etc. I know this is possible, because I have done similar things in my mods.
But the paperdoll animation ID has to be the one that corresponds to the animation. So it might act like a dart in all respects, but it would look like a sword.
About two-handed swords, I do not know.
But I will give you a guess: it will probabbly be the same as the sword animation. The prefix only has one extra character ("S" for sword), so I think all swords use the same animation, whether one-handed or two-handed. Will need further testing.
QUOTE(Tervadh @ Jan 7 2008, 09:44 AM)

- I don't suppose it's possible to switch between melee and ranged weapons with this scheme?
- Does the weapon have to be undroppable?
1.) If they use the same paperdoll animation, it should be possible. If they don't, those creatures have their own slot for that exact reason.
2.) No. But recommended against pickpocketing and spells that make creatures drop undroppable items. And if the creature dies and is then raised/resurrected, dropped weapons remain on the ground - not a phenomenon encountered in BGII, but something I intend for my mod.
QUOTE(Tervadh @ Jan 7 2008, 09:44 AM)

As discussed
here and in other posts, Cuv started grouping similar animations and using a common death sequence for them all. One of the animations I want to use is the svirfneblin, many of which in the vanilla game are equipped with axes and darts. So they'll use up their darts first, then switch to the axe. But I don't know if this is possible with "grouped" animations, at least, not without totally switching animations when they switch weapons.
I do not agree with grouping death animations - I have other ideas (that are likely to work) in my mind. But I am guilty of not sharing them, so it really is my fault.
QUOTE(Tervadh @ Jan 7 2008, 09:44 AM)

I notice that you have them in the MBFI (0xe210) slot with a couple goblins and the fire beetle. Have you done any rearranging of your slots for LC? I would suggest moving the fire beetle to MBBM or MBET and grouping all the beetles under one of those slots. Weapons probably aren't much of a problem for beetles, though they might be for gnomes, goblins and other humanoids.
I rearranged the slots based on the following (ranked from most important to least important) :
1.) Large creatures (Giants, Dragons, Large Beetles, etc) get slots that have larger feet circles. There are a limited number of slots with large feet circles, and there are more animations than empty slots. I have played TDD awhile back, and I have seen some strange things - Frost Giants assigned to one of the Goblin animations. Fire Giants get their own slot, because they have several weapon animations
2.) Creatures that have multiple weapon animations (like Driders and Lizardmen) get their own slots. And they have their own working death animations.
3.) Similar creatures were grouped into a single slot. But this is just convention.
I have nothing against rearranging the rest of the slots if it is about compatibility. In fact, I encourage them since one of the aims of this mod is to create a universal list for other mods to follow. But #1 and #2 have to stay. And not because of my ego.
Notice I have made alternate GENERAL, RACE, SPECIFIC, and GENDER ids files with entries to include all creatures in the IE games (except a few from PS:T). They will not be compatible with any other mod out there, but patching scripts cre, and eff files with WeiDU is not as hard as dealing with different animations. I saw Sim do it.
QUOTE(Tervadh @ Jan 7 2008, 09:44 AM)

I'm also keeping a list of all mod- and game-used slots
here, in the hope of reducing conflicts and freeing/standardising slots going forward.
I like that list - a much better way to organize stuff than what I did in the readme.