I’m about to install and just need a few tips on correct order and such.
Chloe and Tashia remix v1.0 are musts and I’m assuming that these are okay either before or after NEJ is okay. Right?
Main Components (in this order):
TS v6.11 +
Tower of Deception +
PlanarSphereMod 26a +
Deeper_Shadows_of_Amn_v2.2 +
difficult brown dragon
ghost shadow dragon
grothar the red dragon
Improved Asylum.92+
NeJ2 v6.9.1
Rule changes added AFTER NEJ.
NEJ patch
NEJ portal mover (It’s not a story thing)
TDD Character Kits (ONLY)
BG2 Fixpack v1
remove dual-classing restrictions from archers and stalkers
BG2 Tweak Pack
weapon styles for all
expanded dual-class options
turn off cloak of mirroring
spell trap
Sword and fist
monk remix
monk high level abilities
Shadows of Amn item import
Ruad Ro'fessa item upgrade v20
thanks people