Very good mod. Again. One of the best mods on the "market". Cool NPC-s (Sime's character and voicing rocks. Again. Can be send out only Sime??? pls!!! I love Her.
Comp bow of Defender +4 is far too powerful item, and without some serious fight... It kicks the Game Balance. With it my ELven Archer PC (fem) don't need Whirlwind attack, to get 10 attack/round. (only an imp.haste). And she shoots 10 times in a round with -18 THACO? She dont need any NPC-s. (perhaps a thief)
Ulcaster Ring maybe not too powerful, because there are a lot of thogh battles before it.
Dual wield Dak'kon Blade on Kachiko rocks.
Blade of Night is good-good, but in my opinion it can be taked out the saving throw against additional elemental damage
Wu Haltai and Wu-jen baldes perhaps could be upgraded with +1-+1 enchantment to +4 Wu-Haltai and +3 Wu-jen
There was a Cloak of M???? in an earlier version of TS, maybe in 5.0 by Deidre. Could be taken back? Or it is possible to copy only the Cloak's file(s) to override? Which is(are) this (those) file(s).
Undead Samurai's are turnable by priest?
Some compatibility or bug Questions.
Can be do anything with Jaheira's departure at Nakanishi island? Because it was not the first time, Dermin Appeared and talked with Jaheira, and after rest (And it is a MUST rest before chess fight)she is gone, and i can take her back only with CLUAing to Dock's and then back. It is frustrating, and with Jaheira Romance really-really annoying.
Solaufein mod is COmpatible with TS? Because in the first "Sime Encounter" (vampires) was some unreadable stuff, and after uninstall Sola mod, goes everything fine.
In the first Elemental Arena fight Sime conjured Flame Blade (lvl 2 priest spell), and it isn't gone anytime, so I played with them through Spellhold, Underdark, and Watcher's Keep. Is there a bug again?
My Weidu log (almost the same ever, but the first time this problem)
Ease-of-Use (not all)
Dungeon-be-GOne (Everything goes fine with them!!!)
Tower of Deception
Item Upgrade (SOA+TOB)
SP COllection: Creslyn's Item Pack