May 29 2007, 03:43 PM
ive got a problem. i have the magical wardstone and have resurrected kachiko, and ive walked back ot the magically sealed door. but when i try to go trough it the game crashes.... any1 know why is this?
May 29 2007, 04:24 PM
ok the location is TT0102 ... when i try to go there the game crashes. i also tried clua -ing myself there. i dont have any other mods installed so i really dont know why is this happening.
May 29 2007, 06:58 PM
Don't touch this door, stay away from it. You don't need it.
May 29 2007, 06:59 PM
than how do i get out of this labirrinth... im kinda lost
May 29 2007, 07:05 PM
To get to the exit, go back 2 maps... to TT0305.
From here, head north, and go up to the north exit but don't exit here.
From this exit, head straight west till you hits the north-west corner. x=350 y=250. From here, head straight south... and you'll see the exit at y=1250
i found this in a walktrough....but thats the door that makes me crash! can u name the areaname that is needed to get off the island ( i have resurrected kachiko ) so i can clua myself there
May 30 2007, 06:30 AM
May 30 2007, 03:35 PM
well thats the exit that make me crash. i have included several images to show the error. i only got this error message twice, i usually get another one wich is only telling me that bg2 has crashed.
as you can see im at the right location. i can hear the voice of the birds and that some1 is casting spells, but the game crashes before i could see anything.
i hope there is a solution
also i have more than 5 GB of free space on all my drives so i dont think thats the problem
May 31 2007, 06:15 AM
AREA1100.bif and AREA190A.bif - are not from TS. Your error comes from another source, which is unrelated to TS. I have no idea what did you install together with TS and how did you install TS, whether you *biffed* some content or not. It really doesn't matter for me. There are clear installation instructions for TS v6.11, and if you violate them, then you are on your own.
May 31 2007, 06:33 AM
Such BIFF errors are known to happen if you don't have the Throne of Bhaal final (26498) patch installed. It should be installed directly after ToB.
May 31 2007, 10:00 AM
i only installed the npc flirt pack right after a clean ts 6.11 installation. and that shouldnt cause any problems, should it?
May 31 2007, 11:34 AM
It should
May 31 2007, 02:23 PM
Use Clairvoyance spell in the dungeons. This helps a lot, and don't cheesy.
With TS have I begin use and like Clairvoyance. This makes evrything easier
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