May 14 2007, 02:54 PM
- all dialogs will be rewritten, thanks to Kulyok and Luiz
- *Warblade will be toned down a little bit (+4 instead +5, but that´s all)* - this won´t be implemented, I like the sword the way it is in V2...
- some treasure will be removed
and a few more...
May 15 2007, 05:50 AM
That means we have to re-translate the whole mod? I hate you

May 15 2007, 10:06 AM
@Januszka: Sorry, hehe...
Jul 11 2007, 12:17 AM
Care to hazard a guess at what decade V3 will be coming out? I'm looking forward to the revised dialogues and the other updates.
Jul 11 2007, 08:10 AM
Hi Caedwyr
A decade? Hmm, I wish I could answer you, but the truth is that even I do not know. Reason is that many other people are participating on V3, and they are not as available as I wish they could be... Perhaps a few weeks or so... Really don´t know.
In addition to my previous post about version changes:
- one new additional area with a little surprise in it will be included. And, TOD adventure will continue after the main plot in tower. Just play the whole game normally, and before the very end, you encounter you have a big problem with somebody.... I´ll tell you nothing more...

Stay tuned.
Sep 19 2007, 08:11 PM
Now I´m just waiting for one of my contributors, only his part remain unfinished yet. But unfortunately, he has some RL stuff to do right now, so I guess in a month a new version will be ready. I guess...
Sep 20 2007, 06:41 AM
Are the tra files ready? Maybe we can translate it while he finishes his part?
Oct 10 2007, 07:10 AM
Hi all,
V3 will be released a little bit later as I planned, mainly because one of my contributors is pretty busy with RL and other stuff he is working on, so it will be a Christmas present to players, more or less. Sorry for the delay. V3 modtexts are now waiting only for german translation, and one file is remaining for spanish translation. Other than that is alerady translated. Remaining stuff except the new one that will be added later, is already done - minor script changes, revisited containers and so on...
Once again, sorry for an unexpected delay.
Nov 30 2007, 06:22 PM
Well, my last contributor has finally finished his part, so I must incorporate it into the mod itself, check it all out, test it and V3 will be released as a Christmas gift to you all, folks. Stay tuned.
EDIT: Testing phase has begun...
Dec 4 2007, 12:06 PM
Excuse me Valiant, but can I translate this mod in Italian language? And can I take the files when go out the version 3?
PS: Is compatible with BGT?
Dec 4 2007, 12:24 PM
Yes, you can translate it into Italian language. I would be very thankful. I can send you all needed .tra files via PM.
Btw, what files you want to take? As I said, all needed files for translation can be sent. You need nothing more...
About BGT - it wasn´t tested with BGT, because personally I´m not a big BGT fan, thus I do not have it installed. I´m from the old school, I like to play BG1 and BG2 separately. But as long as BGT is not modyfing AR0021 in any way, it should be compatible, because that´s the only one file connecting TOD with original game, if I do not count original game resources like effects, spells, generic scripts, ambients and sounds...
Dec 4 2007, 12:37 PM
Ok Valiant, thanks
I have send you a PM!
...I wait all needed files for translation...
Dec 4 2007, 08:28 PM
About BGT, as far as I remember someone told me tod was compatible with bgt.
EDIT: This is what this friend said:
BG2+ToB+Parche+BonusCD(sólo Joluv, copiado al override)+Fixpack (sólo los 2 comp. "obligatorios")+SOS+TDD+TS+BGT+DsotSC+NtotSC+Secret of BoneHill+The Grey Clan ep.1+Sirine's Call+IndiraNPC+Kivan+Saerileth+Haiass+Restore TXTMusic v6+Ribald's Genie+BW_Herbs BG1+BW_Herbs BG2+Com Forge Item/Upgrade+Darron+Sir Renal+Música de los Reinos+BG1 UBbeta+BG2 UB+Tower of Deception v2+QuestPack+WorldMAp v.6.6.1 +BGT-Teawks +SETUP-GUI
*Waits unpatient for new version so she can try this one in her bgt game* Just got to reinstall and i'm just waiting for this mod to complete the installation
Dec 4 2007, 08:41 PM
Thanks, Llanos, glad to hear. Hope V3 will be compatible, too. To my knowledge, it should be...
Dec 4 2007, 08:47 PM
BTW, so I dont need to wait: can I install the mod after starting my game?
Hmm maybe I should really wait since I was planning on installing worldmap and gui....
Dec 5 2007, 06:52 AM
You can install it after starting your game. AFAIK Worldmap mod and GUI mod won´t be affected with TOD installation, because it is not modifying or otherwise changing neither of them...
Dec 6 2007, 07:53 AM
Thanks Valiant,
now I have all needed files for translation...
PS: Only to be assured...are 15 file in all, right Valiant?
Dec 6 2007, 10:40 AM
Dec 6 2007, 12:21 PM
Thank you
Dec 21 2007, 03:20 PM
So the last testing phase has finished successfully, with and without IA installed. I didn´t test all mod-compatibility, as it it imposible for a few people to install all mods that flying around the net and test it, but in general if a mod is not modifying AR0020, its script to be precise, TOD should be highly compatible. There are some exceptions like Teleport mod or some components from Unfinished Business, but these incopatibilities were solved in previous versions...
So it should be released in a few days I hope...

Stay tuned.
Dec 21 2007, 04:22 PM
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