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Full Version: What Level?
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > The Drizzt Saga
What level should you be to start the mod?
I'd add also ... what kind of level is supposed to be the party (for better playig i mean) during the mod?


There are powerful enemies, but since many of your party members are Drizzt's companions (and Drizzt himself), the battles are winnable.

Additionally, I think this is not a usual quest/battle mod in the classic meaning of the term. In this story, you aren't in the role of a mighty Bhaalspawn -- rather an observer of Drizzt's power, who occasionnally helps him. Of course, if your protagonist or other party members are around level 8-9, they can aid Drizzt in combat. This was just my personal experience, and it's possible that others will see it in differently.

I am sure flysoup will give a much better and accurate answer, when he visits the forum next time.

The level required all depends on wich class you are playing also. But I would recomend at least level 9 to be able to aid in the tougher battles.

Your protagonist will level up quick if joining Drizzt due to the powerful enemys.

As a thief the hide in shadows is a blessing wink.gif And if playing a mage or a sorcerer the spell haste is a good offensive tactic when throwed on Drizzt and companions.

There are many different tactics to be used, but one thing is for sure donĀ“t just charge into battle without having a plan.

There are tons of tactics all depending on wich class you are playing and who you have in your party.
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