Mar 11 2007, 02:46 PM
Just tried to enter the Dryad Falls and had a ctd. Tried it again using clua and moving in from another direction and still it crashes.
I'm using the latest version of NEJ including the patch but it did not happen in my older version so something with the patch might be wrong.
Any clues?
Mar 11 2007, 09:26 PM
The patch v6.9.2 does solve the problem. I've checked this. Please get the latest patch and load your normal or quick saved game (not the auto-save, which is broken).
Mar 12 2007, 07:02 AM
That's curious. I installed the patch before i went to Dryad Falls. I don't think i have a save game that i can use. Will try again this evening.
If it fails i might live with it cause there's nothing special there. At least as far as i can remember. I guess i'll use shadowkeeper to give every party member a bonus of about 250xp and i'm done with it.
Or do you have something else in mind to solve this problem, Vlad?
Mar 12 2007, 07:32 AM
If it fails i might live with it cause there's nothing special there.
There is a quest of Shar-Teel, but it starts only in the Firkraag's dungeon, provided that Shar-Teel is in your party, and you have already talked to Lord Firkraag in the Copper Coronet.
Or do you have something else in mind to solve this problem, Vlad?
There is no such a problem, in my opinion. All broken overlays, if any, are fixed in the latest patch. At least I cannot confirm the problem you report, and there are no reports of others that this problem does exist. It comes from somewhere else, in my opinion. I'll wait for Richard's report before touching this area.
Mar 12 2007, 09:57 AM
Okay. So in case i'll take Shar-Teel and her quest will it completely be broken? Or do i simply need an item that i can fix using shadowkeeper? Or maybe use some clua commands? If that'll be the case i would try Shar-Teel out. Otherwise i would leave her behind.
Mar 12 2007, 11:48 AM
I cannot give you any recommendation with respect to your party compellation. If you want Shar-Teel in your party, please get her, it's really your choice. Her quest is not finihsed in the second part anyway, you just start it. Regarding the area crash, this is another matter, which should be resolved anyway, independently on whether Shar-Teel is in your party or not.
Golden Thief
Mar 12 2007, 07:00 PM
I have just completed all of the Dryad Falls Quests and searched the whole area without a hiccup. Shar's banters all work. No ctd. I have the patch v6.9.2 installed.
Mar 12 2007, 07:27 PM
Thanks GT. I like such bugs, which I don't need to fix.
Mar 12 2007, 08:31 PM
That might be fine for you Vlad, but i got serious problems here.
Another ctd trying to leave the Nashkel Mines for the Valley of the Tombs. I also can't clua there. Furthermore i got a ctd trying to enter the Gibberlings Mountain. What's wrong here?
btw: i haven't got Shar-Teel in my party. Still haven't found her.....
Golden Thief
Mar 12 2007, 10:15 PM
Rubberduck are you running a BGT install?
Mar 13 2007, 06:53 AM
Yes i do.
I just followed the pinned topic by Vlad how to install NEJ correctly.
Installation order: BG1+TotSc+latest Patch+BG2+ToB+latest Patch+BDWeidu+BGT101BGTTweaks+IA+TS+NEJ
Nothing more.
Mar 13 2007, 09:31 AM
I cannot comment on this installation. Senka reported before the problem of similiar installation with WeiDU v198, which caused similiar bugs. However, when she reinstalled everything based on WeiDU v185, all the bugs have gone. It coule be a good solution for you as well. You'll need to replace all the Setup-...EXE files, which are actually WeiDU program itself for the v185, which you have in Baldurdash v1.63 and in NeJ2 v6.9.1. Unfortunately, you'll need to re-install everything and then to start a game from the beginning. Also, for the time being, I would not install BGTTweaks and IA untill you see that there are no problems you reported. If the problem is really with WeiDU v198, then we'll prove it. Otherwise, the problem could be a combination of BGT Tweaks and/or IA with TS-NeJ2.
Mar 13 2007, 09:39 AM
Guess i'll do a complete reinstall and leave BGTTweaks out. I just remembered that i used to play the same installation before but without BGT Tweaks and it worked (at least at Dryad Falls)!
I only did the reinstall once because of some things i thought were missing without the BGT Tweaks.
Is it possible to use my old savegames with this new install (without BGTTWeaks)? Cause i really don't see any reasons why i couldn't use them.
Mar 13 2007, 09:41 AM
Since you install BGT, please don't install the patch v6.9.2.
Mar 13 2007, 09:48 AM
The Setup-ImprovedAnvil.EXE file in IA's download package is Weidu v185. So, if you have the zip file, you can unzip it afresh and it will be v185. You just need to make sure than none of your other Setup-modname.exe files are a newer version of weidu, because even with one newer version all of your other setup-exe files will be updated to the latest version of weidu.
Mar 13 2007, 10:09 AM
Stop it guys! You're too fast. Or i'm too slow.....
First: I only use the setup.exe files that come along with the versions Vlad provided. So i really don't know which actually is the latest version of weidu. In case IA is 185 and all others (TS and NEJ) are newer does it screw up my installation?`
Second: Is BGTTweaks messing up my installation or is it the patch? Cause i only got my actual problems after the installation of BGTTWeaks AND the patch.
Okay i might leave BGTTWeaks out and install the patch as Vlad recommends at the end of my BG1 part of the game. But i would like to use those tweaks if possible.
Third: What about the old savegames i mentioned? If it isn't possible to use them i will try to fight my way thru my actual installation. I won't waste about 20 hours of gameplay for nothing
Mar 13 2007, 10:23 AM
If you have a setup-mymod-exe file which is v185 (such as the one from IA) you can easily make your other setup-files v185 as well. All you need to do is to copy a v185 setup-exe file and paste a duplicate of it somewhere on your computer (no matter where), then rename it to the setup-exe file of the mod which you want to change its version. Then paste the renamed file into your main directory.
Your BGTtweak mods exe file is newer than v185, but you want to make it v185. You have IA's setup-exe file which is v185. so, all you need to do is to copy IA's setup-exe file and paste a duplicate of it somewhere on your computer. Then rename it exactly to the BGTtweak's setup exe file. Now you have a new BGTtweak setup file which is v185. Paste it and replace BGTtweak's existent setup file with the renamed one. Its version will be changed to v185. If you do the same with all of your setup-mymod.exe files, all of them will change to v185.
Also, from what Vlad wrote, I think the setup files of Nej and BD are also v185. If so, you won't need to change their versions.
Mar 13 2007, 10:30 AM
Okay, let's clarify "the big picture".
1. BDash-WeiDU v1.63, IA and NeJ2 v6.9.x contain WeiDU v185 <-- this one you need.
2. TS v6.11 contains WeiDU of a higher version (possibly 192), as reported.
3. BGT v1.01 and BGT Tweaks contain WeiDU of unknown version - should be checked.
You should unpack all these mods manually (just use WinRAR) in a new unrelated to BG2 installation folder and, as Sikret explained, replace the existing Setup-TS.EXE, Setup-BGT.EXE and Setup-BGTTweaks.EXE with the .EXE copied/pasted from either Setup-NeJ2v691.EXE or Setup-IA.EXE. Actually, what you do is to COPY let's say Setup-NeJ2v691.EXE in the same directory. You'll receive the file named "Copy of Setup-NeJ2v691.EXE". Then you rename this file to Setup-BGTTweaks.EXE, and voila, you have installation of Setup-BGTTweaks.EXE for WeiDU v185. In a similiar way, you should do with other mods as well. If only one of them has an installation EXE higher than v185, all others will be immediately and automatically updated to the higher version.
After you do this, then please make the following two installations:
1. Baldurdash v1.63 + BGT v1.01 (using my Setup-TP2 as detailed in the download topic above) + BGTTweaks + BG1songs (optional) + IA + TS v6.11 (optional) + NeJ v6.9.1.
2. Baldurdash v1.63 + BGT v1.01 (using my Setup-TP2 as detailed in the download topic above) + BG1songs (optional) + IA + TS (optional) + NeJ v6.9.1.
After you finish the BG1 portion of the game, please install the patch NeJ2 v6.9.2.
You may try you saved games (just don't load the auto-saves, which were saved prior to the crash). Try your saved games for both installations.
Good luck!
P.S. Sorry, I've just duplicated the Sikret's instructions posted simultaneously.
Mar 13 2007, 10:36 AM
Okay folks.
You might call me "master of reinstallation" then
Will do exactly as you said, Vlad. Including IA and BGTTweaks. Hopefully it was all due the weidu mess and my savegames still work
Mar 13 2007, 10:47 AM
Just one additional small point:
If, for example, BGTTweaks uses a newer version of weidu, it is possible (we are not sure and it's not very probable) that it actually *requires* that newer version of weidu. It is not very probable, but if it happens to be the case that a mod with newer version of weidu really requires that version, then changing its version to an older one may cause problems for that mod. In that case, you will need to forgo installing that mod altogether, because you want all of your mods to be installed via weidu v185.
Mar 13 2007, 11:25 AM
I see. But where does one find out which version it needs and (more importently) how do i find out that using 185 causes the mod to ruin my install? If i find out that it also uses 185 i will install IA. Otherwise it's gone.
Mar 13 2007, 11:27 AM
That is why I suggested to make two installations - for comparison.
Mar 13 2007, 11:49 AM
IA uses v185. I was talking about other possible mods (such as BGTTweaks).
Mar 13 2007, 11:51 AM
Sorry Vlad. Normally i would like to test something out. But right now i'm lacking one thing: time.
All i wanna do is play. Without any bugs, ctd or interruptions
@Sikret: Hopefully i can find out on the net what kind of version BGTTweak uses.
Mar 13 2007, 12:37 PM
Then install minimum amount of mods, for example only NeJ2 v6.9.1 + patch and enjoy your game.
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