tried to blame my mod in all his computer and game related problems
never said your mods cause problems. Neither now nor in the past. If I would think so then I wouldn't even be playing them. If you've found smth of my saying to be offensive toward your mods then I'm really sorry, that's the last thing I can say about them. I simply said that heavy override was causing lags for me. I have no intention to experiment and my goal isn't to terrorize you with 'experimenting'.
Besides I fail to understand why you don't need to know about any problem caused by experimenting. While many mods are incompatible with each other they still provide info about known problems. I know by my own experience that it's always better to have all ties in your hands, but why to ignore things that other poeple may found and inform about? I don't know why you're so userunfriendly.
more problems when the game looking for resorces in the override won't be able to find them.
This really makes no sense. I always can put files back into override.
Speaking about biffing btw. I suppose it's rather related to technical side of IE than to any particular mod but since there was a talk about it here... Lag disappeared in very strange manner - I biffed tis and wav and then put those 1,7 GB back into override. And surprisingly enough there was no lag. Another thing I fail to understand. So, I fear you can't ignore my bug reports now
It doesn't mean I'm going to post new topic each day.
PS I like TS very much (like Ascension, which I consider to be fix rather than mod) and hope NEJ won't disappoint me as well. Frustration of finding bugs in a good product is always much stronger than in case with smth of low/average quality. Yet you take it as if I despise your creations and actually is being forced to play them.