Dec 24 2006, 09:35 AM
Hi Galc,
I have recently finished porting almost all creature animations from IWD and several additional animations from IWD2 to BG2/ToB in NeJ2. It seems there are not so many, and many of them already exist in BG2/ToB but are not used. Anyway, I used my list of incomplete animation sequences and the table of animations compatibility of KD, and succeeded to fill in all the slots. Of course, I replaced some poor BG1/BG2 animations (such as zombies) with better ones from IWD/IWD2, but frankly speaking, they are not too many. However I had some problems with spellcasting sequence of several creatures. For example, red-head giants from IWD/IWD2 (MGIC) have an additional spell casting sequence (that is why the total number of BAMS is 26) but it seems they do not use these two spell casting BAMs in BG2/ToB. Galc, do you have an idea how to make them using these BAMs when casting spells?
Dec 24 2006, 04:54 PM
Rename them? What are the default filenames for the additional sequences?
Dec 24 2006, 10:43 PM
devSin, thank you for your kind advice.

The question is not about names.
Dec 25 2006, 04:53 PM
Vlad: I have done many such replacements already by the first release. From what I remember, they are: mummies, mind flayers, cornugons, and glabrezi.
As for animations that would replace in-game ones, I simply patched creatures to use a new animation rather instead of the old one rather than replacing the old animations with something new.
So you could still use the old animation after this mod is installed if you want.
Dec 26 2006, 07:47 AM
Still the question remains unanswered. Let me explian the problem in more depth. There are several creatures in IWD which cast spells and do not have the analogue in BG2/ToB. For example, Lizard King and Fire Giant. They have the corresponding BAM sequences for spellcasting. In order to make them spell casting in BG2/ToB, I replaced the animation slot of another spell casting creature, which has the same BAM sequences with those I want to import. In case of the IWDs' Fire Giant, for example, I replace the animation of the ToBs' Black Lich. However, the new Fire Giant in ToB does not show the spellcasting animations when casts spells. I tried various combinations including a spell-casting orc and a mind flayer with no avail.
Dec 26 2006, 10:21 PM
Does the sequence work if you put the lizard king in its own slot (MLI3; 0xE520 in Baldur's Gate II)? I'm pretty sure that copying all its animations over from Icewind Dale works (his short conjure and cast sequences run correctly), but I don't have access to Icewind Dale II, so I don't know if they changed the sequences or maybe gave him some other weapon sequences or something.
I can't remember which ones conflict (at least MLIC and MMIN, I think), but you might want to try a slot that isn't overloaded (the minotaurs and mind flayers use the same animation key, for instance, which might not work perfectly even in the default game).
Dec 27 2006, 07:00 AM
Dec 27 2006, 08:38 AM
And the casting animation still doesn't run? I'm probably completely misunderstanding you, but your last post read like you moved the animations to another slot (renamed them). But I don't understand the bit about a "spellcasting slot" (as long as the animation slot is IWD-style, the engine should automatically fetch and run the corresponding sequences if they exist). Or is this only regarding the fire giant animation?
I import all the remaining Icewind Dale animations (from Icewind Dale only) that have their own slot in BG2, and the lizard king runs its conjure and cast sequences correctly (although I have only 24 BAMs for it).
Dec 27 2006, 05:57 PM
Vlad: I find that odd; I didn't run into any of these errors.
BTW, I don't recall seeing casting animations for the fire giant in any IE games either. And if you see them in this mod, that means I copied them from the attack and stand still animations.
Dec 28 2006, 09:42 AM
Yes, I am talking about Fire Giant specifically. I'll attach and show you its spellcasting animations later on.
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