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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Never Ending Journey
Hi everyone! My problem is that even if I have Baldur's Gate, Tales of the Sword Coast, Baldur's Gate Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal I can't get to play Never ending Journey because I simply can't install it. I follow all the steps given here and in Baldur's Gate Trilogy forums at SHS but it simply doesn't work. I can't install BGT and don't know why, the installation suddenly stops, some error messages reffering to .bif files and .tis files start to happen and then it uninstall by itself.
I know that this bug may have nothing to do with Nej, but as Vlad gave a tp2 file to download for BGT and I can't install it, I decided to ask here. My primary questions is: Is it totally necessary to install BGT to play Nej? I imagine that because NeJ part 2 starts going to Ulcaster, you may need its areas to play it but if I can't play it at all...
Well, I read a post in which you (Vlad) told someone that you were working to make Nej playable without BGT. Is it done yet? Will it be done?
Please forgive me if I seem stupid or agressive, it's not my intention at all. I just want to play your wonderful mod and no matter how much I try, I can't and it makes me feel very frustrated. I hope you can help me with something. Bye and Thank You!
Hi Magnus,

You shouldn't be frustrated as it's just a simple installation and I'll help you to work it out as I see you do not have other mods installed. Is it so?

Then, you should make a fresh installation:

1. SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6

2. To install BGT, you should:

a. download the BGT TP2 file;
b. unpack the downloaded BGT v1.01 package into your BG2 main directory manually;
c. replace the existing Setup-BGT.TP2 with the downloaded (above mentioned) TP2 file;
d. install BGT clicking on Setup-BGT.TP2.

3. Install NeJ2 v6.8

If you strictly follow these instructions there shouldn't be any problem.

Alternatively, you may wish to wait for the new version of NeJ2, which will be available in a week or two (dependent on my free time these weeks). It will include old/new modified NPC, whom you'll be able to take with you from BG1 to NeJ2/BG2.

By the way, I hope you have the English version of the game.

Good luck!

the installation suddenly stops, some error messages reffering to .bif files and .tis files start to happen and then it uninstall by itself.

Do you have BG1 installed?
Do you have BG1 installed?

I know that question vlad I talked to him in irc. yes it is in the same folder as the bg2 folder but what I do not know for sure if it is in C:\Program Files\Black Isle or not
Another question is whether he has the full installation of both games or not.
QUOTE(Sir-Kill @ Nov 27 2006, 11:28 PM) *

Do you have BG1 installed?

I know that question vlad I talked to him in irc. yes it is in the same folder as the bg2 folder

BG1 and BG2 are different games which share common resource names and should not be installed in one folder.
pro 5. in the same folder as the bg2 folder aka black isle folder. wink.gif
vlad. I think that it is a full install at least bg1 is.
but I was hoping to catch you before you logged off so Ill just let him answer now on tongue.gif
Hi again! Vlad thanks for answering and Sk thanks you too! Vlad, I have the english versions of all of them and except for the fact that I used the new version of BGT (it's V.1.02 or so, don't recall), I did exactly what you have said. I used Baldurdash WeiDu 1.6 too and tried with your tp2 file and It didn't work. I made a clean install (thanks god for the backups!) and tried with the new BGT tp2 and it didn't work either. Do you understand now why am I so frustrated?
By the way, the installation paths are:
C:\Program Files (Archivos de programa in Spanish)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate (for BG and ToTSC) and
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BG2-SoA (for Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal)
I used all the patches needed and nothing, so I uninstalled everything and decided to wait for your new version, but if you can tell me what to do, I can try it this Sunday. Thanks again, folks!
QUOTE(Magnus_025 @ Nov 29 2006, 04:28 PM) *

C:\Program Files (Archivos de programa in Spanish)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate (for BG and ToTSC) and
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BG2-SoA (for Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal)

1) Whoooaaaa...just to verify, are these the English versions of BG/BG2?

2) Just to verify, when you say your're fully patched, does that include the TotSC patch?

3) "Full install" is NOT the "typical" install in the case of BG1. Make sure to select "custom" and check everything, including movies and such.
Usually Lurking
@Magnus_025 - If I am reading your original post correctly your problems begin with the BGT install. If you answer yes to all 3 of masteraleph's questions, I might also suggest renaming your Baldur's Gate and BGII - SOA folders. For my BGT installs I rename them to BG1 and BG2 respectively (in a specific folder labled BGT). Apparently the BGT conversion doesn't like the apostrophe ('). Whether this is due to WeiDU or not I don't know but I had some problems with that when I first started using BGT.
I agree with Usually Lurking. These are not valid paths for BGT:

C:\Program Files (Archivos de programa in Spanish)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate (for BG and ToTSC) and
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BG2-SoA (for Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal)

BGT does not like brackets. I had a similiar problem when tried to install BGT with my BG1 installed in the following directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\

Then I found that the problem was in the name of the directory. Try to rename it into regular name:

C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\

Also as masteraleph (א) suggested, please check that BG1 installed with most available options including ToSC patch. Finally, I do not recommend to install BGT v1.02 as I have not tested it yet. Please install v1.01, it's very stable, and I tested it for compatibility with NeJ2. Moreover, you may use the provided Setup-BGT.TP2 file only with BGT v1.01.

With respect to the new version, it will take about 2-3 weeks to release it, so be patient please.

Good luck!
Hi again! Sorry if I confused you all but what I was saying is that the installation paths where:
C:\Program files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate and
C:\Program files\Black Isle\BG2-SoA

What I intended you to understand by putting the (Archivos de programa in Spanish) and the (for BG and ToTSC) was that Program files is said Archivos de programa in Spanish, because I'm Spanish and my Windows version is in Spanish. The "BG and ToTSC" thing was that in that path were installed Baldur's Gate and it's expansion. Sorry if you were confused.
I'm trying to install it right now, with new paths names BG1 and BG2 and will see how it works.
If it doesn't work I'll definetly wait for the new version, cause I'm very stubborn and If I decide to play a mod, I'll play it!
Bye and thanks again!
Trevor Burke
Im also having problems when i use BGT v1.2 and i cant seem to find 1.1 anywhere . With BGT 1.2, NEJ seems to only half-work. (the portal to easthaven dosnt work, but shar-teel is there when i start) stuff like that.

does anyone know where i can get BGT v1.1?
It should be on the servers, I guess. If it's not there, please ask Ascension to upload it. It's only 11 MB, and if there is a problem to get this version, I can upload it here.
Trevor Burke

actually, could you just upload it real quick? maybe you could post it in the section where you explain how to install NeJ, that way everyone who needs can get it there.
I think Vlad knows this, but for the rest of you all. BGT-WeiDU v1.02 has been updated for BG2-FIXpack_v1.

So now NeJ needs:
SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + BGT v1.01
I didn't know that. Anyway, I don't think there is a back incompatibility between BGT v1.02 and Baldurdash. If it's really so, than for sure we need BGT v1.01.
Trevor Burke
hmm i think my computer's retarded. I got BGT v1.01 from and then i installed it in this order: BG1(custom) + TotSC(custom) + BG2(full) + ToB(full) + ToB Patch + Baldurdash v1.6 + BGT v1.01(with your .tp2 file) + NEJ v6.8.

im still getting problems with the portal in irenicus' dungeon (i even tried both portals just in case). I seems like something has overridden the scripts.
Trevor, please bear in mind, you cannot use the second portal until you finish the first part of NeJ2. And the first portal leads to Easthaven. So, do you use the portal, which is located near the cells? Could you please specify the message you recieve? What does happen when you click on that portal?

As as side note, you cannot use the saved game from your previous install. The AR0602 should be updated upon transition from BG1 to BG2. If you use your saved game from the previous install saved in the Irenicus dungeon, it will use this saved area instead. Alternatively, you do not need to play BG1 if you do not wish. You may start the BG2 game anew.
Trevor Burke
I was talking about the portal near the cells, and when it didn't work i used the other one just in case. It just goes straight to Yoshimo like always. also i am starting a new BG2 game every time i try it. i just ctrl+j over to the key then back to the portal and boom, straight to Yoshi. there are no errors or crashes.

Pretty strange...

hmmm... I just asked Ascension about it in the SHS forums and a couple of members said that i needed to also have TS v6.10 installed. do you think that could help?
Golden Thief
This is a little funny because it has always been that you could install NEJ without TS but starting with NEJ6.08 TS has had to be installed first. It will not install properly at the monent without TS.

So until Vlad fixes NEJ 6.08 so it can be installed without TS you must install it first.
Well, I fixed this in the new version, and it can be installed without TS and even without BGT. However, I have never had the issue with the portals. It's really strange. Moreover, NeJ2 is always to be installed last, so I do not see a reason why the protals should not work in Trevor's case. May be there is an old cache files left in the cache folder after installatio-reinstallation. However, as Trevor reported, it seems he failed to install NeJ2. Otherwise, portals should work.
Golden Thief
That is true about the portals I have not had that happen either.

The only question then is how did he get NEJ to install fully without TS being installed at all at this time. If TS is not installed then NEJ will not install properly and the portals will not work because it skips part of the NEJ2 V6.08 install.

Trevor did ask must I have TS 6.10 installed also, the answer is yes therefore NEJ2 could not have installed proper so a total install must be done with TS at this time then the portals should work properly.

I only said this cause Vlad said "However, as Trevor reported, it seems he failed to install NeJ2. Otherwise, portals should work." and I think he meant to say TS6.10 not NEJ2
Maybe. It's all about our speculations. Trevor, could you please post your WeiDU.log here?
hi, i've got exactly the same problems like the trevor fellow.

my install order is:

(bg1(custom) + tosc (custom) + tosc patch & SoA (full) + ToB (full) + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + TS v6.10 + NeJ2 v6.8 + BGT 1.01 weidu ( updated Setup-BGT.tp2)

i've got all english, my folder names are dos-compatible but when i'm installing nej i get some errors installing the sylvanus and the firewalker kit.

starting the game, there's the new interfacebut, when i finally try to get to easthaven using the portals directly above the cells, there is some yoshimo dude and a crappy town called amn.

i hope someone can help me, i'd really like to play the mod; thanks.

sorry, i'm not permitted to attach the weidu log so:

// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name
~SETUP-BDTOBV16.TP2~ #0 #0 // ?????? ->
~SETUP-BDTOBV16.TP2~ #0 #1 // ?????? ->
~SETUP-BDTOBV16.TP2~ #0 #2 // ?????? ->
~SETUP-BDTOBV16.TP2~ #0 #3 // ?????? ->
~SETUP-BDTOBV16.TP2~ #0 #4 // ?????? ->
~SETUP-BDTOBV16.TP2~ #0 #5 // ?????? ->
~SETUP-BDTOBV16.TP2~ #0 #6 // ?????? ->
~SETUP-BDTOBV16.TP2~ #0 #7 // ?????? ->
~SETUP-TS.TP2~ #0 #0 // TORTURED SOULS v6.09
~SETUP-TS.TP2~ #0 #3 // AREAS & SOUNDS. This component is required to play the mod.
~SETUP-NEJ2V68.TP2~ #0 #1 // Continuous and Custom Kit Imoen
~SETUP-NEJ2V68.TP2~ #0 #2 // New Imoen Portrait
~SETUP-NEJ2V68.TP2~ #0 #5 // Boo - Familiar of Minsc (This component is not available in BG1!)
~SETUP-NEJ2V68.TP2~ #0 #10 // Areas & Sounds (This component is required to play NeJ2!)
~SETUP-BGT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core 1.01

QUOTE(Mahir @ Dec 14 2006, 12:51 AM) *

hi, i've got exactly the same problems like the trevor fellow.

my install order is:

(bg1(custom) + tosc (custom) + tosc patch & SoA (full) + ToB (full) + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + TS v6.10 + NeJ2 v6.8 + BGT 1.01 weidu ( updated Setup-BGT.tp2)

That's your problem. BGT needs to come before NEJ2, not after.
Golden Thief
This the offical install order for the mod at this moment.

1. SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + BGT v1.01 + BGT Tweaks + TS v6.10 + NeJ2 v6.8 + BGT Songs

Doing it in any other order will mess things up. You don't have to install the BGT songs if you don't want to.

Notice where BGT is list.
nay, that explains something. thanks alot.
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