Oct 9 2006, 11:07 PM
Hi, this problem might not be related specifically to NeJ, but ive decided to post here since it might. The current mods i have installed is specifically:
SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + BGT v1.01 + TS v6.10 + NeJ2 v6.8
In that order. I just recently went through BG1/TotSC and the BGT transition went smoothly actually. Now for my problem.
Problem: For reasons completely unknown when i invite Minsc back into the group in Irenicus Dungeon, he can't seem to move. Whenever i click on him to move to a location, that green circle thinger that points to where he should move disappears early. So for example if i want to move minsc anywhere, i literally have to click that spot a million times. This problem does not happen w/ my main character, imoen, jaheria, or shar-teel.
This problem also occurs when i start a brand new BG2 game. (via that "start new BG2 game" button that appears when u install BGT) In addition, this bug does not occur at any point in BG1. Seems like this bug is exclusive to BG2 only.
Any help on this subject will be greatly appreciated. Minsc is one of my favorite NPCs, i'd hate to have to leave him because of something like this.
Golden Thief
Oct 10 2006, 11:40 PM
I don't know if this can be the same as I have had a different times. The stutter bug coming form a NPC not finishing a dialogue, but once you get them to leave the area it returns to normal movement. It works some times for me.
Explore the first level without Minsc till your able to go to the Genie in the flask. Go pick up Minsc and jump to the door and leave the area. See if that works or clear the area and then take him thru the portal for NEJ and see if that works.
If all you have install is what you report, it should work correctly tho.
I think it will be another couple weeks before Vlad is back in order for him to take a look at the files.
By the way who do you have in your party when this happens? Does it happen no matter what order you make up your party?
Oct 11 2006, 12:16 AM
Hi, thanks a ton for the response.
Sadly, zoning into different areas (the Genie Flask area and NEJ) didn't solve the problem. Also, CTRL+J doesn't seem to work for Minsc either.
As for who is in the party, ive tried every single combination of members (only Shar Teel, Imoen, Jaheria and Minsc are available at the time).
it's NEJ2 related (actually, it's NEJ2-TS related: it's a mislabelled variable with the Boo familiar; i'm reasonably sure it's because of slightly different implementatinos of this in TS and NEJ2).
Someone at the SHS forums said it could be because of this, however, i dont know what i would do to fix it knowing this information.
EDIT: Also want to mention that it appears this bug affects only Minsc. I've CLUA warped to pretty much every NPC u can easily get, and none of them have the same stutter bug.
Golden Thief
Oct 11 2006, 01:24 AM
The Boo bug is something I thought that had been fixed awhile back. Did you do a totally clean install? If not NEJ does not like getting installed over a failed install.
Anyway for the Boo bug look in the Tech folder above then under BGT, NEJ2 and Boo. Horred helped correct it. How to correct it right now in the game I don't know cause I have never had to do it. Not at my game computer to do any experimenting till the weekend so I cannot be of much help, sorry
Might have to wait until Vlad is back for him to take a look at the files to see what might be causing the problem.
Oct 11 2006, 01:38 AM
As far as i can tell, i followed the current install order to the dot. The install was completely clean, on pretty much a clean comp. (Basically everything i DL/installed i got from this site about a week ago, and followed all the steps stickied in this forum.)
I didn't have any installation problems, and BGT (the BG1 side ran completely smooth)
Thanks for the information though, im wondering if i can just delete boo right out of my folder w/o screwing anything up.
Golden Thief
Oct 11 2006, 12:32 PM
I'm not sure deleting Boo will work. If you look in the Technical Discussion folder under BGT,NEJ2&Boo you will find a download file that relates to the Boo fix. It might be better to put them into your override folder. Be careful they might over write some files so back up the files of the same name first. Or they need to be placed in the proper install folder then install NEJ2. Hate to suggest a complete new install.
Oct 11 2006, 11:07 PM
Thanks for all the responses Golden. After poking around a bit more i've realized that maybe a complete re-install is what is necessary. I hope the same bug doesn't occur again!
Golden Thief
Oct 12 2006, 12:43 AM
If you do go for a total re-install, don't ask me why sometimes as Vlad posts it means a complete new install from scratch not just replacing data, overide, music, chittin and dialog from a backup. But I have done it many times that way and it works. I have several NEJ & TS installs I use. For my multi-installs I install them into the main BG2 folder then transfer it out because I find it does not like being installed to a multi-directory folder.
Also, save your savegames, if you do another install exactly as you did before and adding no new mods. You just might be able to continue your game from where you left off.
Oct 12 2006, 09:23 AM
Hmm... apparently even a complete re-install still gives me the same bug w/ Minsc. Kinda strange seeing as im just following the instructions sticked (ie. no other mods than what is listed)
*EDIT* On a side note, i know for sure that it is NeJ causing the bug. After removing the NeJ v6.8 component, everything was fine. Of course this wont work since the whole point of playing BG2 again was so i could play NeJ2 part 2.
I wonder if maybe the file i dl'd from the site got fubar'd. Highly unlikely, but i find is very strange that the most integral component to the NeJ2 installation is the one causing this bug.
Golden Thief
Oct 12 2006, 12:49 PM
It is quite possible your download is corrupted, that does happen. If you do have highspeed try downloading again. When you did install did you notice any error messages, but usually it stops installing if that happens. If you picked install all it can stop installing and only install part of NEJ. If you did try and pick installing by saying yes to each individual part that way if something stops you will know.
Since no one else has posted or confirmed the same problem it seems like it is unigue to your install, because at the moment NEJ has to be installed with TSwhich is a new twist cause before you didn't have to have TS installed.
Usually when Vlad is around he asks for your save game and can figure out what the problem is.
Oct 13 2006, 10:54 AM
Ok, DLing NeJ again didn't help. Still have the same problem. As for saying yes to each individual part, I did that, thats how i know it was the NeJ v6.8 component that is causing the problem. (it could also be the Area+Sound component also, but i think have to say yes to both for NeJ to work anything.) None of the other components cause the bug.
In addition, im also installing TS (which doesn't seem to cause the bug either since i just straight up removed all NeJ components, and didn't have the bug) each time i install NeJ.
SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + BGT v1.01 + TS v6.10 + NeJ2 v6.8
This is actually the exact install path im following. Im not sure why NeJ2 is fubaring on my comp... maybe im just unlucky, and not meant to use Minsc
But thanks for all the help Golden
Golden Thief
Oct 16 2006, 07:38 PM
@Clefairy Torii - Finally got back at me game puter and I just did a fresh install and tried out Minsc. I have the same problem that you do with him, nothing else is installed that should mess with his movement so there must be a bug or gremlin somewhere. So don't feel like it is only you.
I looked and messed with Minsc.baf file concerning Boo. it wasn't the same as before so I added a few missing lines and now he works. If you want it I can send it to ya or wait till Vlad makes sure its right. No biggy.
Oct 18 2006, 07:20 AM
Hoho! Actually...if thats not too much trouble i would like it
I will ask Vlad too when he gets back, but im definently down for trying different fix ideas.
Nov 10 2006, 07:56 AM
Two changes in MINSC.BCS to make Boo really work.
1. Boo doesn't even spawn properly, until you change this.
HasItemSlot(Myself,SLOT_MISC3)---->PartyHasItem("MISC84") (the original is not able to detect Boo in the slot, so simply change Boo over when Minsc joins the party for the first time)
DestroyItem("MISC84") // Boo
GiveItemCreate("BOO",Myself,0,0,0) // Boo
2. The script block that causes the stutter bug...still...
Exists("Boo") <---This addition required anyway since MoveGlobalObject won't even work if Boo doesn't exist in the savegame, which is why the stutter bug happens.
!PartyHasItem("Boo") // Boo
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