So far, I only found a few bugs with the burning man kit. I started a new game in TOB and chose burning man as my kit. After I started, I noticed I had two +3 fists, instead of the normal one fist.
I also activated my special ability to create a new fist, and it only created a +1 fist. So I leveled up a few times, and the same happened. I could only create low level fists with my ability, but still recieved the correct fists upon level up.
Then I had another little problem, my inventory began to swell with fists! I don't know if you meant that or not, but I'll post it anyway. I found that all the fists from leveling and my ability had all been kept, so I had around 6 different fists in there, some of different levels. Maybe you could have it so you can only have one fist at a time? I know I could just drop them, but it might irritate some people.
I do have quite a few mods installed, but I did install this one last, and the other ones shouldn't interfere with the functions of this one.
Then again, It might just be me having these problems.