New version of TS is available for download:
TS v6.10
Some installation options:
1. SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + BGT v1.01 + BGT Tweaks + TS v6.10 + NeJ2 v6.7 + BGT Songs
2. SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + TS v6.10 + NeJ2 v6.7
3. SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + BGT v1.01 + BGT Tweaks + TS v6.10
4. SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + TS v6.10
and so on.
Please pay attention that Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 is a MUST!
If you wish to install BGT, you should:
a. download the BGT TP2 file;
b. unpack the downloaded BGT v1.01 package into your BG2 main directory manually;
c. replace the existing Setup-BGT.TP2 with the downloaded (above mentioned) TP2 file;
d. install BGT prior to installation of TS and NeJ2 (see above).
You may optionally restore the original BG1 songs.
Please download and install said component in the end of your installation (see above). Before you move from BG1 to BG2, it would be a nice idea to uninstall this component in order to return the BG2, TS and NeJ2 songs.
Please don't complain about the installation problems. I have tested this and confirm everything works fine. If you read and strictly follow the installation instructions above, you won't have a problem with this game.
I would like to remind you that I do not support mods compatibility except BGT + TS + NeJ2. I simply do not care about it. Moreover, for the sake of the game stability, playability and your own enjoyment, I strongly oppose any further modifications to suggested combination of BGT + TS + NeJ2.
Good luck!
[Link to BGT tp2 fixed. -Baronius]