QUOTE(The Bigg @ Aug 19 2006, 09:08 AM)

QUOTE(WizWom @ Aug 5 2006, 02:02 PM)

W^ works fine, Infinity Engine works nicely with it.
Like I don't know how to escape a character in RegExp?
Give me W^, I like the way it looks. And I'm all the more sure no one else will mess with my files :-)
Believe me, it can create problems with run-time created regexps. I'm in a hurry, so I'll give a more detailed problem later

Getting into the WeiDU code to see what you mean - yech, CAML sucks. And it is annoying that the SRC is written in bare newline. All the more annoying since the main OS the game runs in uses CRNL
OK, in a fix of insanity, '^' as a lexical token is string concatenation; inside [ ], ^ seems to indicate 'not' (why did they not use '+' and '!' like everyone else? Merci! Idiot Gauls)
['0'-'9''A'-'Z''a'-'z''_']['0'-'9''A'-'Z''a'-'z''#''_''-''.']* is the description of a 'STRING' data item in WeiDU - which means W^xyz would not be seen as one. Frankly, I fail to see why this is defined in so limited a fashion, but there is is.
However, this is for WeiDU LABELS... not, by any means, a string. and a character inside of quotes (of any of the sorts weidu recognizes) won't be bothered one whit.
So, um, Bigg, unless I'm not reading the fricking source right, what is your beef with W^?