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Full Version: General problems with Valygar
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Vlad's Compilation > Tortured Souls
Arshes Nay
Everything of Tortured Souls v6.06 seemed to me like installed correctly.
I have Baldurash, patch for SoA, patch for ToB, and nothing else.

First of all, Valygar didn't start talk about Merella journal, while I took it. He talked with PC about magic.
He talked about journal when Merella was dying, and I had to talk to him again for his proper talk with her. Later I had next LT, about backpack.
I started Lavok quest, since my PC is sorecess.
While I was finishing it, and taking Lavok outside, he fastly DIED, without saying ANYTHING sad.gif Valygar didn't say anything either, and since then flirts were broken. I couldn't help this. I tried unkind way, without fulfilling Lavok last wish, and then he gave me Sphere, but still, Valygar didn't say anything.
What's happening? Have I entered Sphere too early?

I wonder if you could post somwhere first lines of Valygar LT, or maybe only ones which are happening in special surroundings, like forest or tavern.
I also wanted to ask if for each flirt option is one answer?

I decided to uinstall this version, and istalled TSv501 with TSv51 patch.
Everything excellent, until picking Merella journal..
I can't see Valygar dialogue sad.gif It starts, but text is invisible.
Anyone knows what's going on?
And, sorry for my english.
First of all, the version 6.06 is okay, at least I see this from xburc's posts and his saved games. If you have already decided to roll back to v5.01, the requirements for proper installation are very essential. With no exception you should install TS only in the following way:

SoA + ToB + ToB patch + Baldurdash v1.12 + TS v5.01 + TS patches 5.03, 5.04 and 5.05

I have no idea what is TS v5.1 patch. blink.gif

Please pay attention to version numbers - they are very essential. Also you should install areas manually as instructed in ReadMe. No other dailogue and NPC script modifying mod is recommended. There is another option is a half-WeIDU version of TS v5.5 + patch v5.6. But I would recomend to install the new version 6.06 though and start a new game. It is essential that after you make a new installation of SoA-ToB (patched) + Baldurdash v1.6 + TS v6.06, you start a new game. Also I would like to see your saved game if this problem returns.

Good luck!
Arshes Nay
Thank you for your fast reply smile.gif
I decided to follow your advice and installed:

SoA + patch (is it ok? I didn't thought patch can spoil something), ToB + patch, Baldurash v1.6, TS v6.06

Now I'm starting new game, and I hope problem won't return smile.gif
Alas, I would like to return to my question and ask if for each Valygar flirt option (in first stage of romance) is one answer? Because I still don't know if it's a bug.
Thank you and wish me luck smile.gif

TS v5.1 patch can be found here:

Problem remains, even above that I reinstalled whole game:

SoA, ToB + latest english patch, Baldurash v1.6, TS v6.06 sad.gif

Valygar still talks inproper dialogue while taking Merella journal, and doesn't talk about Lavok..
I'm adding my saved game:
000000007_87 - before taking Merella journal
000000015-lavok - before final talk with Lavok
Help, I really wanted to try this mod sad.gif
I have no idea what is TS v5.1 patch.

This is the sum of patches 5.03-5.06 biggrin.gif But never working properly. Just remove it from download wink.gif
Well, gee, I wasnt the only one after all...I had started the game for, like, what, 4 times? 5? to get it actually working. So...don't feel alone! I was surely pissed off when I couldnt get it working, I decided to be patient and wait for Vlad to check and it is working now...(hopefully, it still will.) Good luck to you.

PS: Not like it would matter, but I am a she! I don't think I would have had this much uh...obsession in Valygar if I was a male. laugh.gif
Arshes Nay
Thank you for support, xburc smile.gif It's really nice to hear that someone had problems which are already corrected. It gives hope.. I belive in Vlad with no doubts biggrin.gif

And I totally agree. Right now I'm "slighty annoyed", thought I doubt I would be if Sime romance wouldn't work. It's because it's Valygar - well, women are all alike tongue.gif
Well, I've corrected the WeiDU version of Valygar romance. Now it should work. Please download and install a new version:

(to avoid unexpected problems, please make a clean install of SoA-ToB (patched) + Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 + TS v6.07 (+ you may optionally install NeJ2 if you wish), and start a new game.

Good luck!
Arshes Nay
I am sorry to bother you again, but something still seems wrong to me.
I reinstalled everything (SoA + patched ToB + Baldurdash + TS v6.07 and later + patch v6.08)
Though problem with Merella disappeared, still:

1)Lavok quickly dies when I take him outdoors and my sorecer PC can't own Sphere. Nevertheless, even when I let Lavok die in Sphere and own it, Valygar doesn't speak his talk in which he wishes to travel with PC (doesn't speak anything to be precise). After Sphere quest Valygar flirts disappeared. No matter how I end it.

2)Last talk I ever get is in the evening, about book he is carrying. After that global variable (ValygarRomanceActive) sets to 3 and nothing is happening. Is it how it is meant to be?

Sorry once again. You did wonderfull job on this mod, I can only imagine how hard it was.
I truly hope I won't have to reinstall everything once again or start a new game sad.gif I really wanted to try this romance path, because I played once Corthala Romantique and enjoyed it. Besides, I'm a girl, and Valygar is so fascinating biggrin.gif
Lavok quickly dies when I take him outdoors and my sorecer PC can't own Sphere.

I fail to see how this relates to TS.

Last talk I ever get is in the evening, about book he is carrying. After that global variable (ValygarRomanceActive) sets to 3 and nothing is happening. Is it how it is meant to be?

Yes, if this variable is set to 3, it only means you ruined the romance yourself saying something unpleasant or vise versa something very pleasant(but possibly dishonest) to Valygar. You should carefully choose your answers, particularly in the beginning of the romance. Obviously, you don't need to reinstall the game but just return to your saved game before the last lovetalk took place, and choose another answer.
Arshes Nay
Thank you for the fast reply. I will do as you say, hope now I will make it right smile.gif
About my first problem, it seems that something is messsed up with my computer, I'm sorry ^^'

Could you please attach to the next post your saved game before last conversation with Lavok? Did you install Baldurdash-WeiDU v1.6 prior to installation of TS, by the way?

Good luck! smile.gif
Arshes Nay
Of course, and yes I did smile.gif
I won't thank you, I'm afraid bringing myself bad luck by those words smile.gif
1)Lavok quickly dies when I take him outdoors and my sorecer PC can't own Sphere. Nevertheless, even when I let Lavok die in Sphere and own it, Valygar doesn't speak his talk in which he wishes to travel with PC (doesn't speak anything to be precise). After Sphere quest Valygar flirts disappeared. No matter how I end it.

Oh, Vlad, do you remember? We had this bug in a very old version! It is related with Lavok's "immortality belt" that ruins earlier than game requires
Yes, it's that BioWare's MINHP1 ring. I should remove it after the dialogue is finished.

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