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Full Version: NEJ65 Install error and Shar Joining
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Never Ending Journey
Golden Thief
Ok when I installed NEJ65 I got the error could not find Dar etc.. I was installing in another folder then remember this error always showed up with Weidu 185. Updated the weidu to 191 it installed fine.
Started game as standalone meaning not with BGT. Shar-Teel freezes the game when she joins. Then remembered it did it with BGT-NEJ compat first time I got it. It was because of the spells you give Shar, Ascension64 fixed that, so I just copied Shar's spells from BGT-NEJ compat to NEJ65 override and now she joins just fine. I don't know which one it is so I just copied all of them.
It is the same thing as with Hrothgars spells that needed to be corrected.
My tested installation:

SoA + ToB + ToB patch 24698 + Baldurdash patch v1.12 + TS v6.06 (minor updates) + NeJ2 v6.5 (WeiDU v185)

There were no errors or warnings during installation.
Shar-Teel as well as other NPCs (Hrothgar, Dar, Accalia) joined without problems.
Golden Thief
Well since you said that I went back to check again and sure enough SPCL145 and SPCL148 are the two corrupted files in my download package that cause the problem. I changed them one by one to see where it pointed to.
I think if one does a BGT-NEJ install the BGT compat will over write these two files and it would be fine since I replaced these files with those.

Everyone else is joining just fine Shar is great. I'm going thru with Shar, Immie, Dar, Accalia and Hrothgar.

There is no problem with this, just wanted to say if your invisible and open the cage Shar doesn't see you so there is no joining banter. I thought oh-oh but once you reappear it takes a second or two for it to work and it proceeds normally.
GT, could you please check these two spells SPCL145 (positive intelligence bonus) and SPCL148 (negative strength bonus) from the downloaded package v6.5? I really do not have problems with them. At which level do you join SharT? They should increase/decrease her stats at level 9 for the first time. If they are really broken, so may be other innate abilities are broken as well.
Golden Thief
Joined Shar from the cell at level 9 she did not level up at this time.
I used her fireball and shield spell each one works without a problem. I'll level her up level 10 ok, 11 ok, 12 she gets sunfire and it works.
I comjpared both files download and from BGT-NEJ compat
On SPCL145 Inteligence bonus is (19) same in both of them
On SPCL148 Strength Bonus is (44) in both of them

I compared the two files in NI looking at each line listed everything is the same in
SPCL145 but this in the one download it had "target type" as caster (5), the one that works has it as Living actor (1)
The only difference again in comparing SPCL148 is Caster (5) and Living Actor (1) otherwise all other fields are the same

At level 9 her strength is red at 17 and inteligence is red at 16 is that right?
Thanks. Yes, it looks okay. Well, possibly I should switch the both spells to living actor (1) then.
horred the plague
Those of us in "the know" are going to have to keep an eye out for any inconsistencies/parse errors with a weiduv192 install, since the very second NeJ meets another mod (including BGT-weidu) it is going to be updated to a BiggDu version (whichever we have in our folders). We'll have to pitch in and do the testing for Vlad, in this case. And, if necessary, some corrections (as the contents of the other v65 release post will elaborate).
Sharteel did at first crash but i started a renewed game.

Anyway, i believe crash acurrs when you try to force the cage door open, which is a no no!

Shar-Teel's key is near by, but i won't spoil it for anyone.
i believe crash acurrs when you try to force the cage door open

I do not believe in this. Please check your installation.
Golden Thief
I will say I tried to get what Vasculio said about Shar-Teel to happen. I can not repeat such a crash no matter what I do to that cell door. It always says "The mechanism that operates this does not have a conventional lock, etc...
So I don't know what you did to cause that crash to happen. It was only her joining that frooze the game for me.
Okay well i loaded a save right after imoen open the cell door. But this was before installing the mod.

Anyway i loaded that save and Shar-teel spoke and imoen spoke and then.

The PC and Imoen force the door open and chated with Shar-teel and when i click the join option, thats when it crash, but once i start a new game.

My characters couldn't force the door open which, made me have to find the key, and everthing work fine afterwards.
Golden Thief
Let me ask what did you use to force the door open with or how did you force it open. Because no matter how I try to open the cell door it always says "The mechanism that operates this does not have a conventional lock.." I just want to see if I can duplicate what you did.
GT, you will never be able to duplicate what he did because it comes against instructions and simple logic. smile.gif
Sword Icon the door open, but it won't work.

If you don't have original save of imoen breaking you out, that was made before installing the mod.
that was made before installing the mod

So how does it relate to the mod?
Golden Thief
My bad. I didn't read very carefully. He did say he used a save before installing the mod which has nothing to do with the mod installed. Yep we can all break games if we used saves form a different install. I'd say matter closed.
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