Mar 18 2006, 07:25 AM
To grant THAC0 and damage bonuses against specific IDs (races, alignments, et al) to a weapon, we make an EFF file and then add it to the weapon's equipping abilities through "Use EFF file" format. For example Daystar's bonus against evil creatures or Dragon's Bane's bonus vs. dragons have been made in this way. I can add such bonuses to weapons and have no problem in item making. So far so easy!
But now assume that we want to make a kit (say a fighter kit) rather than a weapon, and want the kit to have such a bonus (ex: a damage bonus against dragons). Hence comes the question:
Is AP_****.eff a valid command to be added to clab****.2da? If not, how can we make a kit with such bonuses? For example, a damage bonus vs. (say) a particular race such as dragons? (or vs. other specific IDs?)
One possible way just occurred to me though I have not tested it:
Is it possible to firstly make a .spl file in which the eff file is added through "Use EFF file" code to the spell effects (under an extension header) and just then we apply the new spell to clab****.2da? Will this give the bonus to the kit?
Mar 18 2006, 07:43 AM
You do it via a spell/eff combo. See the Undead Hunter kit, specifically spell SPCL241
Mar 18 2006, 07:51 AM
QUOTE(dragon_lord @ Mar 18 2006, 11:13 AM)
You do it via a spell/eff combo. See the Undead Hunter kit, specifically spell SPCL241
Thanks, dragon_lord!
I guess you were writing this reply in the same short period of time that I was editing my post to add the last paragraph to it.

Hence my guess was correct,eh? I'll check the spell you mentioned just to be sure. Thanks again!
Mar 18 2006, 10:54 AM
You should check out the IESDP, as this lists the current abilities already available as spells for each kit. Perhaps the bonus you want is already created, it would just be a matter using this spl file in the clab. It means less work!
Mar 18 2006, 11:21 AM
Very well, for those who may not have yet grasped how this can be done, here is the way to go:
First, Use DLTCEP to make your desired EFF file (as Rabain said, if the bonus you want to give to your kit is already one of the other kits' bonuses, you won't need to make a new EFF file for it)
Second, make a new spell (this can be done either by DLTCEP or even by IEEP, but the first stage above cannot be performed by IEEP), in the new spell, add an extension header and under the "Spell effects" flag add "Use EFF file". In the resouce key type the name of the EFF file you had created in step one.
NOTE: The spell you make has to be a schoolless one. The type of the spell can be either "special" or "innate" (I have seen both and I'm not sure which is the best, but both seem to work). In the "location shown" flag either type "0" (zero) or choose "innate" (Again I have seen both and don't know the difference; both seem to work).
Third, use AP_****.spl in mykit.2da file to apply the new ability to your kit.
That's all, I suppose.