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Full Version: Kachiko's quest crashes while loading area
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Vlad's Compilation > Tortured Souls
Hello [yes, it was most extraordinary introdution I remember].

I talked to Saemon Havarian, discovering a way to get to some strange-named castle Kachiko desires. Scripts were OK, but this area crashed while loading.
I've got BP with loads of Weidu mods installed, but so far nearly everything worked. Engine and conversions, as well as compatibility seem to be OK. But this area crashed for unknown reason.
What can be a source of this problem? How to fix it?
I guess you didn't install areas. But please be informed that I don't support BP, and with your current installation the best forum to ask related questions would be SHS. I support only the stand-alone version.
biggrin.gif I would rather reinstall whole game than think I missed areas laugh.gif Big thanks for that suggestion.

I copied some stuff to override and it works... but not perfect. Now it crashes at entrance to a cave.
When it's not caused by mods, can you tell me, which area files should be installed and how? I probably missed something, as installed it at last 3 times in this directory wacko.gif .
Yes, there must be smth with the installation. I had the similar problem long ago with old BP/TS/TDD/etc.
Reinstallation has solved the issue.
Warmonger, you should ask this question over at the Big Picture forum, as it's not a problem for vlad to solve, given it involves an old version of Tortured Souls.

actually, you don't even need to ask the question on the BP forums, a search will find the answer soon enough: one such thread is here.

the quick answer: during yr install of BP, you've not followed the TS install instructions closely enough - you've either missed a step in the manual install process, or you've typed in the wrong directory in the auto-install process.

it's not necessary to reinstall everything, however: do a dummy install of the old TS you've got (ie, manually install it to any directory other than yr BGII directory), follow the instructions, particularly making the area files non-read only, carefully; make sure you add all the relevant patches (as described in the BP install guides); and then copy the entire contents of the /area directory inside yr dummy TS install to yr override folder. and everything will work fine, i promise! (if it doesnt, rinse and repeat, and make sure you follow the instructions!)
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