In AD&D , abilities goes from 3 to 18 (with + or - from your race).
In Agone rpg, a basic human has ability scores from 1 to 10.
I though it was possible to modify 2da files so that a human have score like in Agone rpg.
I was wrong.
The game doesn't give a score between the min/max set in the 2da files. It generates a pool of points, then split them into the six abilities. Quite disturbing.
If I set Strength, Dexterity and Constitution to range from, let's say, 3 to 10. It's okay. Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma just get 16

But if I modify four abilities or more, the pool points exceed the "space" left. It cause GREAT trouble, and I was forced to re-boot my PC...