I'm trying to test kits in scripts, but I have manually set the kits with that:
WRITE_SHORT 0x244 0 //unused in KITLIST.2DA designation
WRITE_BYTE 0x246 29 //change to <name of kit> number as per KITLIST.2DA row
WRITE_BYTE 0x247 0x40 //force kit to use KITLIST.2DA instead of KIT.IDS
29 for a transmuter, in my example
When I look into Near infinity, I have 29 - Transmuter
It seems to work fine (notice that on a normal cre, Transmuter is number 8192 if you set the kit with NI)
Then come the script:
Neither of these triggers work...
The first one work with a normal cre using transmuter kit.
I don't know how to do.