Damn, my bad. I just checked my weidu.log...sure enough, I forgot it. Thank goodness I put all patch files into the same bif file, and saved backups right before installing/biffing any mod patches. I can easily revert backwards, no sweat. It also gives me a chance to test my progress on BP-Weiduv171.tp2. Looks like I'll check the Academy again next game, but for an evil path--in the same game as TS-evil, starring Horred the Plague PC.
Sorry to bother you with squashed bugs, I really thought I had that installed. It was getting late that night, I was pretty hazy...

Installers all look the same after about 8-10 hours of watching DOS scroll by. I'll make sure it is in before my next run through your turf. I'm in chapter 6 with my current test/play game, so all is well for now.