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Full Version: BGT,NeJ2, and Boo
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Never Ending Journey > Technical Discussion
horred the plague
I ran into a slight problem when I ported from Bg1 to BG2, and figured out the fix for it. NeJ2 had not accounted for the importation of Minsc from BG1. He had no Boo, and the scripts were not set up to give him one. So, I wrote a block for Minsc.BCS to account for this. It works fine, and I cannot see how it would mess up NeJ in any way. It sits at the third block from the top:


 !PartyHasItem("Boo")//No Boo the item
 !Exists("Boo")//No Boo the space hampster
 Global("VP_Boo","GLOBAL",0)//Global never has been set
   SetGlobal("VP_Boo","GLOBAL",1)//Indicates boo is healthy, or in item form

It sets the VP_Boo global the same way it would be set if Boo had died, and done his day of penalty time. As is done in the second block from the top:


 GlobalTimerExpired("VP_NoBoo","GLOBAL")//Set when boo died, for ONE_DAY
 Global("VP_Boo","GLOBAL",2)//Also set when boo died, to indicate he is dead

Not only does this code create Boo on Minsc, it eliminates the need for overwriting MINSC8.CRE,MINSC10.CRE,etc! (Your current .tp2 does precisely this... sad.gif ) Other modders might have plans for these files, that do not necessarily conflict with your plans. Perhaps a new custom kit, or a cure for his head wound wacko.gif ???

I also have a question about this block, though I'm pretty sure you've already tested.
From Boo.BCS:


Does this work properly? Does the re-creation of Boo via item (next time the item is used) create a "global boo", after he does the DestroySelf()? I know the Boo entry is not erased from the .GAM file, just his Area location is...but does the new Boo line right up with the old entry? If you're not sure, let me know and I'll test this out. I'm curious! biggrin.gif
Thank you for noticing this problem. We are well aware of it, moreover Boo related blocks in Minsc.BCS causes many problems to Minsc's script itself as preventing it from running properly. I have made a patch already but yours is also nice and I can include it if you wish.

Does this work properly? Does the re-creation of Boo via item (next time the item is used) create a "global boo", after he does the DestroySelf()? I know the Boo entry is not erased from the .GAM file, just his Area location is...but does the new Boo line right up with the old entry? If you're not sure, let me know and I'll test this out. I'm curious!

Everything works fine, there is no problem with Boo but the problem with triggering Minsc's dialogues only.
horred the plague
No need to use my patch, if you already have a working one. I was just trying to help, not seek any more glory. laugh.gif

I'll keep an eye out for dialog-related problems; with all the mods I'm using, I'm very likely to run into them. If I encounter them, I'll see if I can figure out what exactly is causing it.

SIDE NOTE: Are you aware that TT1004.tis(tiz), and TT1013.tiz) are not included? I've checked the .wed file, they both are referrenced. They were not in the NeJ\tiz folder, nor referrenced in the NeJAreaSounds batch file. Nor in the v602 patch. Did I get a screwed-up download, perhaps?
Are you aware that TT1004.tis(tiz), and TT1013.tiz) are not included? I've checked the .wed file, they both are referrenced. They were not in the NeJ\tiz folder, nor referrenced in the NeJAreaSounds batch file. Nor in the v602 patch. Did I get a screwed-up download, perhaps?

Look into NeJ/pics. wink.gif They're copied directly.
horred the plague
cool.gif --found them.

I must have overlooked them when I biffed the rest of the .tis files. I downloaded the old "BP-compat" v13i, and got the old .tiz last night. And included them in my biffing batch file, in case I need to reinstall for some reason. If I ever make an "auto-biffing" batch file, I'll have to remember to do this the right way.

I noticed they were fairly small tis files--was that the reason for not tiz'ing them? Or did they have some other issue?
This is a question of ballance of size-to-compression quality ratio. I'd prefer not to compress small tis files if you gain only several MB on their compression because quality losses are very noticable. Also take in mind that in NeJ2 quality of tis files is significantly higher in comparison with NeJ. The tis files in NeJ2 have been extracted directly from their corresponding BIFFs using DLTCEP so the file headers were not corrupted as when using WinBif. It affected doors and animated overlays as well!
horred the plague
I found a couple of minor issues with Boo, both in his script and minsc'.

The global timer, VP_NoBoo, is set as a RealGlobalTimer in Boo's script, but in minsc' it is just a GlobalTimer.

The Variable VP_Boo is never reset to zero, at least that I have seen, when Boo turns from item to creature. This variable must be set at zero for Boo to follow Minsc to a new area, via MoveGlobal(), according to the block in Minsc.BCS:


 !RealGlobalTimerNotExpired("VP_NoBoo","GLOBAL")//Real(timer) added by me

I added the following block to BOO.BCS (third from the top):



And now Boo transports to Minsc. Not sure how he could have, before--the first block in MINSC.BCS reads:


I'm not sure if your patch addresses these issues as well; just thought I'd point them out before you release said patch. wink.gif

The GAM file confirmed my suspicions--VP_Boo was set to 1, when Boo was in creature form.

I still have no signs of dialog-triggering issues--but this is my first run through NeJ (the new versions). I'm not 100% sure what to look out for.

I am, however, having a lot of fun. biggrin.gif You were so right, when you said the old version did not even compare to the new. In many ways. NTM--Your tougher monsters, coupled with my advanced AI system, is making for some challenging encounters! SIDE NOTE: I have toned down the shadows, mists, etc in BP, to the extent that the caravan board was actually harder (IMHO) than the Vale.
I'm glad you like it Bill. biggrin.gif Your critical feedback is always welcome! By the way, Boo's script, NoBoo variables etc. are yours so I'm glad you found a way to correct them. Alternatively you may take a look into the same script in TS.
horred the plague
I've duplicated the minsc/boo code for sime/veter. Remade the BooREST.spl, thanks to a new effect discovery by Avenger (316: Magical Rest). I'll test both systems out, and when I'm satisfied they are working I shall pass the files along. wink.gif
Hi Bill,

Could you please upload, attach or send me the fixes for Boo you've already made?
horred the plague
Here you go. wink.gif

Still not 100% tested--98% tested and working. rolleyes.gif

(AKA--"Famous Last Words")
horred the plague
Hehe, don't thank me yet--I forgot some files! tongue.gif

Try this package, instead. wink.gif
Bill, please take your time. I won't release my BGT-NeJ2 tweak pack before we finish Shar-Teel's component. It will considerably modify Shar-Teel, make her available in BG2 already in one of the prison cells, make her *talkable* like other NPCs through NeJ2 and BG2. This way I'll be able to drop both Jaheira & Minsc. cool.gif, and later on to make an evil party (Shar-Teel, Viconia, Edwin, Melora, Taffic).
horred the plague
Excellent! Hopefully Shar will be somewhat done before my next testrun (with Horred the Plague PC, necromancer-at-large biggrin.gif ). If not, I'll have to make a crude dialog-free version of my own. I was saving my trip to Kara-Tur for this. I have never tested the evil path for this mod, in all these years. That is--if Horred doesn't kill off all his party members again, this time... laugh.gif
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