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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Mods under development - Baldur's Gate, BG1Tutu, BG Trilogy > Enhanced Creatures
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Hello Tervadh!

Thanks for your support! My personal coding skill is zero. tongue.gif I am just assisting aigleborgne with ideas and an editing part that doesn't require any coding ability (that's why I can do it).

If aigleborgne is in need of help, I am sure he'll send you a PM/contact you in some way! wink.gif

I have nearly done with my job (90%). I am though at a point from which I can't proceed further untill I get to work again and discuss details with aigleborgne who should finally move in his new apartment soon.

Over 350 NPCs have (not counting all the monsters tweaked by aigleborgne!) been thorougly examined. Of them, more or less 50% have now a kit. Sometimes giving a kit to a specific character was almost automatic as it screamed for having it. Most of the times instead, it's a decision weighed by different factors like original equipment, personality, attitude and so on.

It was (is) a tough job but I am satisfied of the results so far. Of course everything needs to be tested and this will take also some time.

Once this part is complete, I will dedicate some time to kitting added characters brought in by BG1 Unfinished Business (10-12 NPCs more) plus those that didn't make it in (for a reason or for one other) in the chart I got from aigleborgne but that I am going to restore.

Stay tuned! wink.gif
One more small update: I will soon enough get the material needed to complete my NPC kitting as I need to transfer my modifications to a new home and review them in the process.

aigleborgne is working to bring in those tweaks I requested and that we discussed via e-mail. I am very pleased... tongue.gif

There is some sort of general idea about how things will be distributed.

The next version of Enhanced Creature will leave Alpha status and be the first Beta. No ETA is given because too many times we had missed our deadline so, if nothing else, we won't disappoint anymore anyone. Following this, a stable version (hoping we will get much feedback) and eventually a version that expands Enhanced Creatures (some ideas we have won't find implementation at first as it would delay further any public release).

Well, in the meantime EasyTuTu is getting more and more refined and bug free and other Mods improve their quality through new releases. Let's hope Enhanced Creatures will become an appreciated addition to the modding community. I am sure it will but hey, my opinion could be called biased... wink.gif
Small update:

Today I received the final version of the chart thus being finally able to complete the last 10% left of my job. Despite being just 10%, it is going to take me a long time because I intend to review all my modifications because I am sure there will be need of corrections.

aigleborgne is busy with his scripts and squashing remaining bugs while trying to not create new ones as the code is modified. Not easy.

Keep tuned!
Hello everybody!

I am happy to announce that the "ordinary" part of my job has finished.

"Ordinary" means that there are some NPCs that need further discussion or the creation of special equipment. But they represent just the 2% of the whole.

Now the ball goes to aigleborgne who is - as usual - struggling with the same 24h a day has to offer him.

Hopefully a first public Beta will be out soon enough.
I'm just wondering, looking at the future, how/if this mod could/is compatible with other Ai enhancer like BP or SCS ...

Did u think about that maybe?

Hello melkor!

Enhanced Creatures will not be compatible with Sword Coast Stratagems. It's either the first or the second.

About Big Picture, it is not time to worry about it yet as Enhanced Creatures will be released for TuTu first. Later there will be a BGT version as soon as the TuTu version goes out of Beta.

We will do everything to keep compatibility with Big Picture as high as possible. wink.gif
Cool! It's a nice idea to choose amongst more than one AI enhancer wink.gif

Keep up the good work, long life to BG forever ...

Hello again!

aigleborgne and I have made a newer "To-do" list which extends past the Beta version that will be first out to the public. This means that the first version for TuTu will not have some cool enhancements in because it would further delay the release.

They will come. Just in the next version.

At the moment, aigleborgne is working on giving Sarevok his proper kit: deathbringer!

The original kit was developed by Idobek and permission has been asked over at G3's for making use of those specific files included in Idobek's NPC Kit Pack Beta v0.72

Keep tuned! wink.gif

New small update: aigleborgne is working on the Monk kit which is finally almost done! I'll soon be testing it.

One more thing I am going to do is to make BG2-only wizard scrolls available in the TuTu game as it seems just fair that player and enemies have the same chance to cast spells of each kind. Some stores will have the new scrolls and some foe will leave some behind. happy.gif

Keep tuned!
Ooooh, a monk kit? Is it possible that you could release that before the rest of the package? Because I'd *love* to try it out... biggrin.gif
Hi K'aeloree!

I am sorry if I might have mislead you with the word "kit". I am just speaking actually of the monk class which becomes a "kit" for enemies.

In this mod, some enemies will lose their class (fighter) in favour of being a monk instead.

This is because it was our wish to just have different classes represented all through the game. The gameplay is then extended and improved by opposing new challenges to the player that has now to face barbarians, sorcerers, kensais, wizard slayers, berserkers, jesters, blades, skalds, avengers, totemic druids, shapeshifters, cleric of 9 different mythos (from Divine Remix), assassins, bounty hunters, swashbucklers and specialst mages. To a small extent is also possible to end up fighting against paladins (inquisitors, cavaliers, undead hunters) and rangers (archers, beastmasters and stalkers).

I do feel like all the long wait is going to be repaied by a product that should hopefully represent a real revolution. smile.gif
Ah, okay, and here I had thought it was some hacky new way of getting kits to work for other classes... ah well wink.gif Fair enough.

Little updating is in order.

Finally, after a long, long, long period (did I say long ? tongue.gif ) aigleborgne is back working regularly on this mod although the time he can dedicate to coding is not that much.

The monk kit has been tested and is working.

Unfortunately, there is a problem with spells and bard songs and there is no solution in sight, meaning that bards won't make use of their primary characteristic while also party buff spells (ex. Resist Fear) won't ever be used by enemies simply because it seems the engine can not do it.

A bit sad but not dramatically important. I had asked an opinion about this to David Wallace, author of the excellent SCS and he said it should be possible to implement this with a custom spell faking the effects of the bard song but it didn't seem to do the trick.

aigleborgne is now working on druids' spellbooks and soon it is time to review the very big clerical spellbooks. This is going to take some time because of the 11 clerical kits that are present in Enhanced Creature.

Once that is done, we'll see to it that Sarevok becomes a fearsome Deathbringer, like various sources imply he is! (thanks Idobek for this)
One other small update:

Things are proceeding well and there is little left before the Beta release now. There are to rebalance summons, give Sarevok his Deathbringer kit, allocate scripts bindings and refine some minor details. Once done that, there will be a little in-house testing before the official release.

How long does this translate to ?

I would guess before the end of June. But take it with a grain of salt. Inconveniencies are always around the corner. dagger.gif

Great Salk!

So ... we're speaking about possible dates, why not ask this one as well? ;-) Please, is there any chance it would be compatible with BGT, BP, ding0quest, SCS for BGT as well?


Hi Melkor!

The first version will be (Easy)TuTu only.

I myself am a BGT player so I do hope that we can release a BGT version as well but it does not depend on me. It depends on aigleborne and Ascension64. Surely it's safe to say that some time will pass between the TuTu and the BGT version.

I can say also that this mod will have a very minor compatibility with SCS. Only few SCS components should theoretically install without problems. All the others would just interfere with AI/Scripts that come with Enhanced Creatures thus making a real mess.

About Big Picture instead, it all depends on if EC's custom detectable spells won't cause incompatibility with it. aigleborgne is not a Big Picture user and frankly, seeing the serious bugs that even the latest version has, I can't say it's a strange choice.

But, what I can tell you is that there will be at least a sequel to EC. It will be Enhanced Monsters for BG2. It's still an idea in aigleborgne's mind but once EC will be stable, his modding efforts will be directed to bug corrections and this new Mod.

More to come... ph34r.gif
News update:

aigleborgne is going to face a 30-hours coding project that should refine all the monsters so far created. Some are already completed (basilisks, bears, carrion crawlers) but most are not (demons are going to take a long time).

At the moment, I didn't yet get the needed documentation in order to bind scripts as I am supposed to do but I trust aigleborne to provide me that soon enough.

Keep tuned!
Small Update:

I and aigleborgne are hopefully going to have a chance to speak some on MSN tomorrow evening. He is more or less half way into his review of monsters and he's been correcting, fixing and modifying them since it started. A very time consuming task as well one I can not be of any help with but some small advices here and there.

Unfortunately there are some special abilities that we would have liked to add to some creatures but that because of either lack of time or, more often, technical obstacles (engine limitations or lack of know-how), will not see the light of the day.

In the first case though, it is possible that future versions might hold some surprises.

Keep tuned! wink.gif

the ETA has not been respected due to extra time needed to work on Monsters and create a valid database/collecting informations about some special abilities.

The development is however proceeding on more or less daily basis. I and aigleborgne keep updating each other about the latest problems/solutions we happen to meet during our tests.

Unfortunately this kind of stuff takes time and I understand that this project has not delivered yet a stable Mod like we had hoped.

Nonetheless, the day of a release is getting nearer. Have faith! cool.gif

I and aigleborgne have been discussing about a possible release date and we agreed to have a public version ready not sooner than the end of the year.

Sorry about postponing one more time but we had two options: release a version that would only affect monsters or wait untill the NPCs improvements (the backbone of EC) would also be ready.

For the first, it'd take more or less two months. For the whole package, at least four.

My advice was to go down the second road: enhanced creatures without NPCs enhancing would make little sense.

I have been testing some monsters and I must say everything seems to be working very fine.

The WIP is proceeding slowly but it's moving nonetheless.

Thanks! dagger.gif
Keep it up mates!!! I look forward to play this mod, with the lack of people working on BP, SCS for BGT for now not supported anymore, this mod seems to be real future chance of AI ...


Progress has being slow during the whole month of August and September didn't start any better. The author is still working on Demons which are the Monsters that need the most refining. Luckily some of the coding done for those specific monsters will find use also for others. This should speed things up once this part of the work is completed.

Good to see there's still progress on this. Just curious - how many demons are there actually in BG1?

After a month of silence for which I apologize, I'd write here to call the development of the mod on halt due to the author's real life commitments.

As soon as there are news about the work being resumed, I am going to inform you here.
I've started to reinstall BGTutu with all updated mods. It takes some time...
Next step will be to resume my work on EC, see if everything is right and checking out what's left to do.

I hope to release this mod in 2 or 3 months.
I'm interested in a new mod "Spell Revisions".
It would be great to use this mod with Enhanced Creatures.

So, I would have more spells choice for spellbooks.
But, it would require quite some work to check all scripts and spellbooks.

Maybe, I will do it on a later version (if any are release later). But my initial plan is to produce a final version asap.
Spells Revision is indeed a great mod and it is going to be part of my own installation.

Hopefully EC can take advantage of the many modifications done by Demivrgvs. happy.gif
Looking at my mod several years after, with fresh air and better skills

I have looked many things in my mod and I must say there will be work to redo some things.

First, I have completely re-organised EC into categorized components:

- Enhanced Creatures core component (required)

NPC changes
- Enhanced NPC
- New experience value for NPC
- Give Sarevok Deathbringer kit

Monsters changes
- Enhanced monsters

Wizard Slayer kit tweaks
- magic resistance tweak to 2% per level
- add ranged attack cumulative spell faillure
- spell faillure to 10% cumulative per hit, last 90 seconds (it was 25%, 30 seconds)

Spells fixes and tweaks
- Spell fixes
- No generic display for spells and abilities
- Double duration for charm's spells
- Temple will now have greater restoration
- Minor globe of invulnerability fix - it can be affected by dispel magic

Items fixes and tweaks
- Items fixes
- BG2 mage scrolls for spells level 1 to 5 in stores
- Tweak items' quantity in stores
- Tweak powerful items

Secondly, I have found some lazy programming codes in TP2 that can produce errors. I've changed all of them with a good and clean code.

Third, I have found out that there are others bugs here and here. I have identified some of them, but not all.

Well, to summary, I am planning 2 months to check and correct everything already done.
Then, about 2 months to finish my work. My expected realase date is end of october.
Cool, I'm very interested on the "Enhanced monsters" component.

Even if there are 10 years of modding behind BG somehow this is an aspect of the game still left almost untouched (well, except within IA) and I think there's really a lot that can be done.

Yes, monsters are generally a joke ingame compared to P&P.
Most of their special abilities are not even coded.

I will post informations on what you can expect from this component.

QUOTE(Demivrgvs @ Jul 15 2009, 08:07 PM) *
Cool, I'm very interested on the "Enhanced monsters" component.

Even if there are 10 years of modding behind BG somehow this is an aspect of the game still left almost untouched (well, except within IA) and I think there's really a lot that can be done.

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