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Full Version: [TS 6.05] Temple Ruins Crash
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Vlad's Compilation > Tortured Souls
Hello Vlad,

You should remember my problem I explained you in your temporary forums : going from Umar Hills to Temple Ruins with TS 6.05 installed crash the game.

You said :
Well, I've checked in my installation and didn't find any problem - transition from Umar Hills to Temple Ruins proceeds smoothly. I need more reports on this issue. As I have already said I touched neither AR1100 nor AR1400 so I am unsure what could be the origin of this problem, moreover I cannot confirm this problem. If the area doesn't crash when you teleport there it means there is no problem with this area. I've checked the script, and there is no creature summoned when you move to this area. I guess the problem is with your world map. When you install, uninstall and reinstall the mod, you still use the worldmap from your saved game. It is not affected by reinstallations. To fix the worldmap problems you need to start a brand new game, and only then you get a new worldmap. It's easy to check. Please start a new game, then jump with CLUAConsole to AR1100 and AR1400, and then try to move between these two areas normally through map. If it works then the problem is really with your saved game.

It cannot be a problem with my save game. I have tested several times with a brand-new installation and a new game, it crashes every times.

You are right however : with your testing method, when you create a new game, move to area 1100, move to area 1400, then try to travel between the two areas, the game doesn't crash.

But when you try to go to temple ruins normally (create a new game, exit irenicus dungeon, meet the boy in the government district, go to umar hills, talk to the mayor, going to merella's house and find the journal, then try going to temple ruins), the game crashes.

You can test this faster : create a new game, move to area 1100, explore area, ctrl-j to merella's house and find the journal, then try going to temple ruins, the game also crashes.

I have tested this two ways with a brand-new installation with only TS 6.05 installed. None of theses methods crashes the game with a brand-new installation without TS.
You can test this faster : create a new game, move to area 1100, explore area, ctrl-j to merella's house and find the journal, then try going to temple ruins, the game also crashes.

Did it. No crash.

P.S. What are the components of TS you have installed. Could you attach or post your WeiDU log here?

I have tested this two ways with a brand-new installation with only TS 6.05 installed. None of theses methods crashes the game with a brand-new installation without TS.

What's about Baldurdash fix pack? Do you have it installed?
Well, I don't understand (and I am not the only french user with this problem). huh.gif

I have done a full install of TS. Nothing special to see in Weidu.log, but since you asked smile.gif
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // Component Name
~SETUP-TS.TP2~ #0 #0 // TORTURED SOULS v6.05
~SETUP-TS.TP2~ #0 #1 // ANIMATIONS. Please install the following component only if you have not installed yet AND are not going to install the NEVER ENDING JOURNEY 2.
~SETUP-TS.TP2~ #0 #2 // GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI). This component adds new GUI to your original BG2. Please don’t install this component if you have already installed OR are going to install the NEVER ENDING JOURNEY 2.
~SETUP-TS.TP2~ #0 #3 // MULTI-STRONGHOLD. All the warrior classes (fighters, rangers and paladins) and monks may get the De’Arnise Keep as their stronghold in addition to another stronghold which is accessible according to their class. Also all dual- and multi-classes have no restrictions to the number of strongholds they may obtain.
~SETUP-TS.TP2~ #0 #5 // GRAND MASTERY FIX. This fix originally created by James Schumacher you may get from various sources including Baldurdash tweaks and cheats. It fixes the weapon proficiency table for fighters according to the original D&D rules implemented in BG1 and IWD. If you have not installed it yet I would strongly recommend to do so.
~SETUP-TS.TP2~ #0 #6 // BONUS MERCHANTS. These are the two bonus merchants from the original BioWare Collector’s Edition CD.
~SETUP-TS.TP2~ #0 #7 // AREAS & SOUNDS. This component is required to play the mod.

What's about Baldurdash fix pack? Do you have it installed?

I have always the official TOB patch and the classic baldurdash-TOB fixpack 1.12 installed.

By the way, I have already played with your mod (v5.05) with Big Picture (v1.61G) and didn't have any problem with this map...
Could you perform the last experiment and to freshly install TS v6.05 but without ANIMATIONS component?

Also could you check please whether you have two following files in your override:
SHADEL.CRE and SHADELD.CRE. What are their creation and modification dates? Do you know how to use NearInfinity and to check animations of your SHADEL.CRE and SHADELD.CRE?
Could you perform the last experiment and to freshly install TS v6.05 but without ANIMATIONS component?

Yes. I reinstalled fresh bg2 and installed TS without that component : the game still crashes.

Also could you check please whether you have two following files in your override:
SHADEL.CRE and SHADELD.CRE. What are their creation and modification dates?

Shadel.cre and shadeld.cre are there; their creation and modification date are both ten minutes ago. wink.gif

Do you know how to use NearInfinity and to check animations of your SHADEL.CRE and SHADELD.CRE?

Yes I know. These two creatures have "Unknown - 57440" for Animation ID.
These two creatures have "Unknown - 57440" for Animation ID.

This is the source of the problem. It should be (and I've checked it with NI):

LICH - 32525
Now you may return to your normal (including animations) TS installation, correct this wrong animation reference in both files, and enjoy the game.
You are right. I have changed these animations with NI, and now the game runs flawlessly. Congratulations, Vlad, for identifying the problem. biggrin.gif

Now we can ask ourselves why these animations were incorrect in the first place... but I guess this is an another story.

Thanks for your patience. smile.gif
Your're welcome. Please don't forget to return (or install a new) TS v6.05 with ANIMATIONS component. If you don't install NeJ2 you need this component.
Ah excuse me, but I seem to be having this problem as well. I installed and reinstalled TS 6.05 (Does the Animations compenent come with the package and install automatically?) and I'm still have problems with this area. I tried downloading NI to change the animations, but I don't know how to check them or where to change them at... Could someone please direct me to a tutorial or tell me how to fix this as said above?

Wren hi,

Did you download NeJ2? If you don't have a problem of download 350 MB then please do so. Install NeJ2 over fresh installation of TS (just don't install animations and GUI component of TS as per screen instructions), and everything will be okay. Otheriwse you have two options:
1. To wait for the next TS patch but I cannot guarantee it will be soon.
2. To read tutorials on NearInfinity site, and edit those two files manually yourself as Anomaly has already done.
Thought I'd also give a heads up, since I also ran into this problem with TS.

Again, the SHADEL.CRE and SHADELD.CRE Animation ID was wrong, though with mine the wrong ID reference was IC_LICH 57440, instead the one it should be.

Changing it back to the proper reference fixes the problem.
Thanks, it's on my list of corrections for the next patch.
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