Nov 21 2005, 03:21 PM
I was thinking about that and came to my mind prc, a nwn hak which adds classes and races.
Nwn has a hard limit for races and classes so that trought the GUI of the game it's only possible to get new classes in the second level (the game "thinks" they are Prestige Classes) and is totally impossible to add new races.
There are work-arounds for this, maybe at least one of them is possible in BG and other IE games.
1 - They made a program in Java for character creation, só you only need to get the file and import to yhour game or send to the admin to put in the vault of the server and it works
2 - When you create a character you go to a room where you can choose again your class and race, this time with the options of the PRC
3 (Impossible in IE) - Throught scripting use the sub-races system that comes with the game but don't works to point for the new races, but of course it doesn't works for classes.
One of these options is viable for a IE game?
Or new classes, races, and kits beyond the limit are only possible if one day the source code is open or the copyright falls?
Nov 21 2005, 03:30 PM
IT should work for something like the Subrace Mod or in DLTC where you get to choose your deity.
Nov 21 2005, 05:41 PM
You can install more kits than 9 per class--but only the first 9 will show on the screen. So you could have a dialogue to select your kits, and have more options than 9 to choose from, and that should be fine.
I think there could be another hardcoded kit cap, though. Someone mentioned that due to the size of the kit number field you could only have up to 255 at one time (or something). Still I don't think it is anything to lose sleep over.
Nov 21 2005, 07:00 PM
Still I don't think it is anything to lose sleep over.

Nov 21 2005, 09:50 PM
Cool, the only problem here is compatibility as tehre would be need to make a npc for a lot of kits.
Or maybe editing in Shadowkeeper?
Or is there some character generation program that accepts kitS?
Nov 22 2005, 09:02 AM
You don't need to make a NPC for every kit. Just point in your Readme file what are the prerequisites for the kit. The players will make a PC that meets them, then when your starting dialogue initiates add some IFs and all that will be left is to attach the responding kit to the dialogue options. Don't forget to add resistances and special abilities too.
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