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Full Version: Can't travel to the Severed Hand
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Never Ending Journey

First of all I have to appreciate your work, you have done a good job, Vlad.

Unfortunately I have two problems.

1) I can't travel to the Severed Hand. After Arundl died, nothing happened. I expected, that my character would travel to the area automatically.

2) I can't follow Hjollder to start his quests. After I have talked to him and accepted his job, the menubar, messagebox and character pictures disappeared, but nothing happended too. I've stucked in the 'video sequence' until I quit the game via ALT+F4.

Does anyone know, what I've to do, to follow the quests?

First of all I have to appreciate your work, you have done a good job, Vlad.

Thank you.

I can't travel to the Severed Hand. After Arundl died, nothing happened. I expected, that my character would travel to the area automatically.

After Arundel dies Hrothgar immediately starts this dialogue:

Hrothgar: I know this portal must look tempting to you... to all of you and I can well imagine the thoughts that are racing through your heads at this very moment. You are not sure where the portal will take you but you have hope that it may return you to your own time, to your own homes...

I can't follow Hjollder to start his quests. After I have talked to him and accepted his job, the menubar, messagebox and character pictures disappeared, but nothing happended too. I've stucked in the 'video sequence' until I quit the game via ALT+F4.

You are cheating, Hjollder is not in NeJ2. At least yet... smile.gif

You are cheating, Hjollder is not in NeJ2. At least yet... smile.gif

Thank you for the answer, but I'm not cheating, Hjollder IS in the game, look at the attached screen shots. happy.gif

But back to Arundel. I thought that there are severel quests after the Dragon Eye (e.g. The Severed Hand, Dorntief,...), am I wrong? Do I have to use the portal, or is there any chance to stay longer in the icewind dale?


P.S.: I'm using NeJ4.2b and the NeJ6.01 patch and some WeiDU mods (Solaufein, Ease-Of-Use, Underrepresenting Items, Item-Upgrade)
Hi Stephan,

Hjollder IS in the game

Yes, he is there but you cannot initiate his quest in the second part, the door is locked and I wonder how did you succeed to enter his house.

I thought that there are severel quests after the Dragon Eye (e.g. The Severed Hand, Dorntief,...), am I wrong?

You may go to Severed Hand if you wish and if you choose the right option in a dialogue with Hrothgar near the portal in Arundel's house.

Good luck!
I'm having the same problem. I am playing BP-NeJ, and am enjoying the NeJ part emmensely. In fact, I didn't know much about NeJ and to my very pleasant surprise, I found myself back in IWD. Its been fun reliving another great game. However, in my game, after Arundel dies, Hrothgar approaces my PC and suggests that we go. I am afforded four responses. After Horthgar's brief narrative, I get three more responses. I've tried them all, but my only exit is through the portal. I was looking forward to seeing the Severed Hand again patially because it was one of my favorite areas in IWD.

Remember to post BP-NeJ questions here at the BP forum and say just what version you are playing. Vlad does not have BP installed, so he can't help.

Thanks for pointing me to the BP-NeJ board. Apparently, the BP-NeJ I am running doesn't have the Severed Hand component (yet?). Too bad, but given the quality of the IWD part, I'm looking forward to the rest. Thanks again.
Hi BottomFeeder,

Chev is right, and I don't support this VERY OLD version of NeJ. If you want to fully enjoy this mod you should remove this shortcut (I'd say demo) version and install NeJ2, which means the second edition. It's compatible with a new version of TS also available here, but not with BP. However I'm pretty sure that you would equally enjoy both combinations played separately, either TS+NeJ2 or TDD+SoS, and I really don't see any single reason to mix and match them.
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