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The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Never Ending Journey > Beta Testing
Golden Thief
Can anyone else verify this.
I am Kuldahar in the Inn with Aldwin. I am not saying it is a bug in this spot just this is were I am at the moment in the game.
I usually don't use a Familar but wanted to see what I could do with it this time. So before resting I cast Find Familar and the game freezes and have to close and re-start. Game is playing fine otherwise.
I don't think the mod touches this spell so wondering what might cause it.

No other mods Basic NEJ and TS only.
Thanks GT, I'll check what's the problem.
The same install: TS + NeJ2.


My kensai/mage cast the spell, and... summoned a small rabbit. smile.gif

So I cannot confirm this problem.
Golden Thief
Went back to beginning of game and it does it there. When loaded a save from plain NEJ it works fine. Even made a new game and it doesn't work so.....
Decided to do clean install. So here is my question:
I have several game folders so I can have different combination of BG installed at one time. Well, NEJ nor TS will install if I do not install it in the orginal install of BG2 after installation I can move it and it still plays.
Each time I try from a game folder it checks for the offical patch and Balderdash it says they are not installed but then when I place everything back into the orginal installed folder of BG2 it installs with no problem, or is it just my computer? ohmy.gif

Loaded game from previous at point of problem install Find Familar works fine. So it just was my install. sad.gif

Another thing when I walk over in front of the fireplace the green circle under the players disappears in the firelight. No biggie.
Just a few words about multiple installations. Basically they work without problems. Actually you may have several override folders and several dialog.tlk files representing your various installations, just switch between them and enjoy the current game. In fact I have three installations for now and the current is TS + NeJ2, so my three override folders are:

override - current TS + NeJ2
override.ts - TS override folder
override.nej - NeJ2 override folder

dialog.tlk - current file
dialog.tlk nej

When I wish to switch between installations I just change the names/extensions of the folders/files so there is only a single override folder and single dialog.tlk file. Each time you install a new mod or mod combination, just prior to installation rename your current override folder and dialog.tlk file, and then copy+paste your original SoA+ToB+Baldurdash override folder and dialog.tlk file back into your main BG2 installation folder. Also don't forget to clean out or create a new WeiDU.log file and remove any .DEBUG files from there.
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