When returning to Samuel, Leina tells him that her father is dead even though we let him run.
When speaking to Xan re- mage quests, we have the choice of 12 responses. However responses 7-12 are repeats of 1-6.

Looking for Garron in Halruaa: On finding the letter in Brial's room, dialogue should trigger when Moradz is approached/clicked. Instead normal mage comments are all he repeats. He doesn't know where Garron is but that shouldn't prevent the dialogue if he is approached and asked.
When approached Chaileun Kal-Vu'Ryi, who does know Garron, has nothing more than normal mage comments. As with Moradz, her dialogue should also trigger after the finding of the letter in Brial's room.
There were also a couple of brief comments from students when asked about Brial that didn't occur. Did you leave these out as unnecessary Vlad?
Second meeting with Kharesse didn't occur, but then maybe we ran for the portal too soon after the first meeting?

So far Ring of might quest is good, love the new invisible goblin cut scene.

Can you please send me a copy of the rolling text shown on the screen on transfer to Halruaa. It just needs sorting and putting in better order. I have no idea where to find these things to extract it myself. Thanks.
Oh yes, and welcome home.

PS. I didn't see the Melora/PC. banter that begins:
Melora: Candlekeep is awash with tales of your adventures...
Any reason for this Vlad