Aug 28 2005, 06:05 PM
Alrighty I'm playing NEJ and I'm having a blast (awesome mod)
I killed that snake woman in Dragon's Eye and I got the Heartstone Gem. But when I try to exit the cavern to make my way back up, it autosaves and crashes.
I have the latest patch and I understand that this is just a beta, but do you guys have any advice? Is there an item that will make the game crash if I carry it?
Golden Thief
Aug 28 2005, 09:34 PM
You are right at the door and want to go to the next leave would have been the priest and they all changed to Snakes right?
Do you have only the V6 patch or all 9 individual ones installed?
If I am correct this also happened in my v6 patch install. So what I did was Clue up one level "TT4004", which is the next area up. I thought it might be a corrupted cache and all that but nothing worked. Clueing up didn't prevent me from walking all the way out. So try that.
Aug 29 2005, 09:07 PM
whats the code for that again? CLUA something area TT4004
Golden Thief
Aug 29 2005, 11:33 PM
When you have the CLUAConsole:
Type in---> MoveToArea ("TT4004")
You will appear in one of the side rooms on the north side.
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