Golden Thief
Aug 11 2005, 11:52 PM
I am in what appears to be an art gallary. Paintings hang on the walls as I click on each one it seems like I get dialgue responses.
Then let us prepare for the other five to turn up any moment.
I've met the likes of you before bard....
As a member of my group Leina, you have my backing.....
etc. for each one.
Golden Thief
Aug 12 2005, 09:44 PM
Also as I have looked around and finished Vashon's test successfully I can not find a way down. The only exit is to the roof and these no way down to the ground level. The only way is to clue down.
Aug 13 2005, 04:20 AM
click on the green glass a few times, then kneel
Aug 14 2005, 08:01 AM
GT, the dialog.tlk strings have been messed after applying one of the patches. I've already fixed this in NeJ2v51b. The patch is not retrospective though as your saved game stores information about all areas you have already visited including corresponding strings.
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