My party are at the astrolabe, we have spoken to Larrel re-the possibility of his machine returning us to our own time and he has said he will talk to Geralith. The message then comes up: Journal updated.
*Journey to Ulcaster*
*The second key quest*.
Then nothing, Larrel continues walking around instead of cutscene that was in the previous version. (Hrothgar studying machine, NPC's interjections). He doesn't return after speaking with Geralith.

When approached again, Larrel says *So you have returned...* and then the options:
1. Say farewell and to leave.
2. Ask to be sent to Dorns Deep.
3. Ask to go to Kuldahar.
4. I have some questions about the astrolabe
5. And we will return again.
No. 4. Loops around to Larrel speaking to Geralith again.
Speaking to Geralith once more loops around to speaking with Larrel again,
It appears that without Larrel returning to us after speaking to Geralith, there is no way of returning to our own time via astrolabe.