Golden Thief
Aug 8 2005, 01:42 AM
I was out side the CC and after Valen talks to me 10 children spawn and Brus talks to me so out of curiousity I Idenified each one and they were all Brus. Only one talks, then they all walk off and disappear. Just odd but it is like a herd of kids are going to run ya over.

kids, arggg
Does not cause a game problem.
Aug 8 2005, 02:32 AM
Sounds like a bug from a different mod rather than NEJ.
I remember vaguely on hearing a similar bug report at Pocketplane/Gibberlings3 for a different mod.
Golden Thief
Aug 8 2005, 09:33 PM
Nope, not this time I only have the basic install with NEJ and am trying ease of use. I want to know what this mod does by itself so when I do add another I know what is causing a change.
The extra kids don't cause a problem just that that many show up. After the first one talks they all walk away.
Aug 8 2005, 11:19 PM
I had this happen to me before nej was even released. I think there is just a small random chance it will happen in any game.
Aug 9 2005, 12:33 AM
This can happen in a completely vanilla install, actually. Had it happen the first time I ever played the game, long before mods were by any means a common thing.
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