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Full Version: Crossmod Romance Conflicts for Sime?
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Vlad's Compilation > Tortured Souls
Grim Squeaker
I was wondering if you were interested in adding Sime to the list of the romances involved in the Crossmod Romance Conflicts. At a minimum it's just supplying information so kill scripts can be generated (e.g. so a serious Chloe romance kills a non-serious Tsujatha one), to avoid multiple romances running at once. However, if you want to write more complcated dialogues/interjections, that's also fine.

If you're interested or just want more information, the thread is here:

Hope you'll sign up!
Grim, I am very interested in this combining, problem-eliminating mod, but to my great sorrow I don't have a minute of time to work on TS. But anyway it's nice to hear and learn that someone has started to make all romances compatible.
Grim Squeaker
I understand you're busy but could I just ask for your permission to include Sime in the romance script auto-kills? For that I just need her script names, romance variable and to know which values of the romance variable mean its serious and dead. If you could give me that information I'll code up the auto-kill stuff.
Her script/death variable is SIME. Attached is her normal script SIME.BAF.

There are also two additional scripts:
1. for her dream dialogues SIMED.BCS, and
2. ToB related - SIME25.BCS

There is a very important variable ("VP_Romancing_Switch","LOCALS"), which controls switching between banters and love talks.

When the variable ("SimeRomanceActive","GLOBAL") is set to 3 her romance is killed. The values of 1 & 2 mean the romance is proceeding smoothly. There are several time-event connected lovetalks which determine these variables.

Good luck!
Grim Squeaker
Cheers! One last question. As per usual does SimeRomanceActive=2 mean that the romance is 'serious'?
I think so, actually SimeRomanceActive=2 means another part of the romance which triggers some quests and new flirts.
Grim Squeaker
In case you are interested, the Crossmod Romance Conflicts component has now been released.
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