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Full Version: Typo and Grammer Errors
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Never Ending Journey > Beta Testing
Golden Thief
Thought you might want us to post all the typo and grammer errors in one spot so that whoever is doing the corrections doesn't have to hunt for them posted all over the place.
This only came to after I saw the second one.
Also could you tell us how much of the exact text do you need to be able to find and correct it.
Here is one.
Fake Arundel: Arundel is bleeding......"There is a portal in his room you may use to come back to you world."
Wouldn't this be better as "... go back to your world"?

GT, thank you for this thread, but it's better to discuss all language related issues with Larrienne. She's excellent native English writer, and her language is far far away from that of mine.
QUOTE(Vlad @ Aug 4 2005, 09:08 AM)
GT, thank you for this thread, but it's better to discuss all language related issues with Larrienne. She's excellent native English writer, and her language is far far away from that of mine.

... but your language skills have taken leaps and bounds Vlad. Writing for this mod has helped you to brush up your English heaps. smile.gif

Golden Thief I'd be happy to help with any grammar issues that have escaped my run through. I realise typo errors are oftem missed when hitting the keyboard at speed, especially as I've never typed in my life until I acquired my first computer some 6yrs ago. In the past, I have always got someone to type up my work up for me.
I was very late coming to this form of technology. Heck...I still write e-mails as if scribing a full letter, I find it hard to keep them brief, more so if writing to friends and family. biggrin.gif Even more infuriating is trying to put a meaning to the letters used to cut short sentences in e's that I recieve from younger members of my family, the most poular example being *BTW*. which of course speaks for itself when used.
Please post all issues you find in this thread Golden Thief. Thanks.

Fake Arundel: Arundel is bleeding......"There is a portal in his room you may use to come back to you world."
Wouldn't this be better as "... go back to your world"?

Vlad, here I agree with Golden Thief, but *IMO*... (another of those letter/ sentences that I do understand biggrin.gif )... it would read even better...
... "There is a portal in his room that you may use to return to your world."

One I missed. sad.gif
Golden Thief
Hey Larrienne, Please no sad faces.

I wish I had half the talent you guys have in doing these mods. And as you say proofreading does blurr the eyes after awhile. I myself mistype and butcher the english language even tho it is my native language. I am back in I's Dungeon now and I am sure I may have missed one, but I did not catch any others but I am a lousy proofreader. I only catch what sticks out like a sore thumg. sad.gif

Ok, one last thing I want to make sure I type enough for you to find them. So do you need more or less then was given or was it just enough?

Well have a good day inspite of it.

PS: Liked you rewrite better thumb.gif
GT, just a technical question, did you return to your world immediately after talking to dying Arundel or did you visit Severed Hand?
QUOTE(Golden Thief @ Aug 4 2005, 12:02 PM)

Ok, one last thing I want to make sure I type enough for you to find them. So do you need more or less then was given or was it just enough?

Just give me the opening lines of the dialogue, who is speaking to whom and then the lines in which error(s) occur.
eg. Dialogue between Immie/Accalia: Immie begins "Hiya Ace. What you doing?" Then the phrase(s) where error(s) occur. Should be enough, thanks. GT. smile.gif
After getting into Halruaa and entering the main building you have to talk to Xan. When Xan is done talking Hrothgar pops up and says, "You were lucky this time....." One of the PC's possible responses to Hrothgar contains the phrase, "....seeing him stood...". The word stood should be changed to stand.

After giving your response to Hrothgar, you may then follow Xan into the room on the left. Talking to Xan this second time Xan says, "To move a student forward before understanding what has gone before could prove hazardous not any to the student.......". The word any should be changed to only.
QUOTE(cheeseberries @ Aug 5 2005, 11:46 PM)
"You were lucky this time....."  One of the PC's possible responses to Hrothgar contains the phrase, "....seeing him stood...".  The word stood should be changed to stand. 

Without going into the too lengthy an explanation re- grammar:
The past and past participle of the verb *To Stand* is *Stood*.
For PC. to say "... nonetheless, it was still a shock to see him *stand* there..." denotes present tense, but the use of the word *was* in the same phrase, denotes, past tense. As Xan had moved away and was no longer standing there, we do need the past tense in PC's response. Hence, "... nonetheless it was still a shock seeing him stood there..." is correct in this instance
Saying that, it would also be correct for PC. to say, "... nonetheless, it was still a shock to see him *standing* there..." In this instance *was* denotes past tense of the word *standing* which may be used in past/present and future tenses. The English language is/was/and can be a slippery beast. biggrin.gif

Your vigilance on picking up the typo error re- Xan: "To move a student forward before understanding what has gone before could prove hazardous not any to the student.......". The word any should be changed to only. Thanks cheeseberries. smile.gif

Vlad, one to note and change.
QUOTE(larrienne @ Aug 6 2005, 07:17 AM)
Hence,  "... nonetheless it was still a shock seeing him stood there..." is correct in this instance 
Saying that,  it would also be correct for PC. to say,  "... nonetheless, it was still a shock to see him *standing* there..." In this instance *was* denotes past tense of the word *standing* which may be used in past/present and future tenses. The English language is/was/and can be a slippery beast.  biggrin.gif

Hi Jan,

"... nonetheless, it was still a shock to see him *standing* there..." sure does sound a whole lot better. I've never heard the phrase; "... nonetheless it was still a shock seeing him stood there..." It may be grammatically correct but it sure is tough to wrap my brain around the sound of it. blink.gif

What I have seen in which they use 'stood' is somethihng like this: "...nonetheless it was still a shock to see him as he stood there..." How does this work? huh.gif

Vlad or Jan, can you also make this topic a sticky please. smile.gif
QUOTE(JohnTheMutt @ Aug 6 2005, 05:10 PM)

Hi Jan,

"... nonetheless, it was still a shock to see him *standing* there..." sure does sound a whole lot better. I've never heard the phrase; "... nonetheless it was still a shock seeing him stood there..." It may be grammatically correct but it sure is tough to wrap my brain around the sound of it.  blink.gif

What I have seen in which they use 'stood' is somethihng like this: "...nonetheless it was still a shock to see him as he stood there..."  How does this work? huh.gif

Vlad or Jan, can you also make this topic a sticky please.  smile.gif

Hi John,
Sorry if my phrasing is giving your brain a hard time. biggrin.gif

Your phrase: "...nonetheless it was still a shock to see him as he stood there..." puts my brain in a whirl because it is telling me *was* is past tense and *as* is present tense in this particulat phrase.

The written word is often so much different to the way it is phrased when spoken. I have tried to write my dialogues, using the words/phrases in a manner I believe the characters would speak them. (sometimes bending the grammar a little if I believe the NPC. would do so. smile.gif )

Now, lets try and get rid of all this squirliness of the brains, blink.gif I am happy with my original phrasing, "... nonetheless it was still a shock seeing him stood there...but I will leave it to Vlad to change it to "... nonetheless it was still a shock seeing him stood there..." if he so wishes, after all, both are grammatically correct.
Heh, no problem Jan to just leave it the way it is then. smile.gif It is just something I've never heard before but I can get used to it okay. I know Vlad probably has much bigger 'fish to fry'. cool.gif
This is minor...

In the SH speaking with Larrel about the Heartstone Gem:

Larrel says: "With that said, what is it you seek to learn with the Heartstone Gem?"

Option 1 "We seek to learn source of the evil that troubles the North."

ought to read somethng like: "We seek to learn about the source of the evil that troubles the North."
QUOTE(JohnTheMutt @ Aug 9 2005, 04:58 AM)
This is minor...

In the SH speaking with Larrel about the Heartstone Gem:

Larrel says: "With that said, what is it you seek to learn with the Heartstone Gem?"

Option 1 "We seek to learn source of the evil that troubles the North."

ought to read somethng like: "We seek to learn about the source of the evil that troubles the North."

Well spotted John. *We seek to learn the source of the evil that troubles the North.* is more correct. However, this is original dialogue as in IWD... not one of mine this time. biggrin.gif
Heh, thanks Jan. smile.gif

Though, I am going through the dialogue with Larrel and everyone at the Astrolabe as thouroughly as I can right now and found another minor one. In this case it is when speaking with Geralith (after Larrel supposedly speaks with him):

PC: "A moment Geralith, I have more questions about this astrolabe of yours"

Geralith: "What more can I tell you my friend? She is but a machine built to aid the research of Larrel and his wizards, to enable them to study and unlock the wonders of the skies."


choice #1: "Kaylessa told me Larrel and his wizards was using the astrolabe to study space and time. Is this true?"

Should read: "Kaylessa told me Larrel and his wizards were using the astrolabe to study space and time. Is this true?"

Yes, *were* is correct here John. smile.gif
Golden Thief
At Ulcaster and during the conversation
Melora says "this is my worst night mare come true!"

We're talking about a dream right and not horses? smile.gif

Just joking spelling is correct just the space got in there.
After leaving Irenicuses dungeon and when Hrothgar speaks to you about the date and then needs time to think about what to do...

PC: (*You look at Hrothgar with a look of total disbelief on you face that he has no idea of what is to be done now*)

Should read: (*You look at Hrothgar with a look of total disbelief on your face, that he has no idea of what is to be done now*)

I'm not sure about the comma after face. Jan will know. smile.gif
Found this seeming grammar problem when in Irenicuses dungeon and experimenting with dropping Hrothgar. Eventually this dialogue is reached:

Hrothgar: "No matter where I wait <charname>, it will only be for a brief time, but if you say and inn or tavern will be more convenient, than that is where you will find me. Just do not leave it too late before you return. I wish you luck in your search for your destiny <charname>. For now I say fare the well and keep safe my friend."

I don't understand the "...leave it too late..." portion.

How about: "Just do not make it too late before your return."?

Okay, here's another minor grammar issue. It is when Hrothgar interjects during Jaheira's discovery of Khalid having been killed.

Hrothgar: "I am sorry Jaheira, nothing I say will ease the pain you are feeling at this moment. You need to take time to grieve for your Khalid and then there will be a time when need to talk about him. I did not know him but please know that I am here when that time comes."

Suggest change: "You need to take time to grieve for your Khalid and then there will be a time when you'll need to talk about him."
John, thanks for your observations. I want you to know that I am not ignoring them, but I need to go through them individually when I have a moment to pull out the appropriate dialogues.
Please, keep up the good work and continue to post your findings. Thanks. cool.gif
Golden Thief
When talking to Zeira first time in Halruaa

Zeira: It is not for me to give details....... I tell you this because there can be turning back, not now.

Shouldn't it be: can be no turning back, not now.
Golden Thief
A missing letter.

Leina: I...didn't realize anyone was listening.
Reply #2: hen change one to suit the other.

I think the "T" is missing. Should be "Then change one to suit the other."
Spell checker won't catch the hen as wrong.
Golden Thief
Found another one I think?

Leina: Instead I shaved it in my backpack ...etc.
Reply #2 their only purpose is to instil more guilt.

I might be wrong but shouldn't "instil" be spelled with two l's ---> instill
QUOTE(Golden Thief @ Sep 1 2005, 03:10 AM)
Found another one I think?

Leina: Instead I shaved it in my backpack ...etc.
Reply #2 their only purpose is to instil more guilt.

I might be wrong but shouldn't "instil" be spelled with two l's ---> instill

You think right GT. As with your observations in the above post, my typing leaves a lot to be desired, as does my re-reading... missing letters, (Jan clicks her tongue) tut... I should be ashamed of myself for not noticing such simple errors.biggrin.gif
GT. You have written *shaved* insyead of *shoved*. I have checked my original dialogue and see I have written *shoved*. Please, was this a typo error of your own or has *shaved* been mistakenly inserted in the dialogue?
Thanks for those... and guys, I will make a list of all your observations and let Vlad know which ones to change.
Golden Thief
I most humblely apologize. Hits self with stick. bangs head on wall. wacko.gif

I make that most greiveous error. my finger hit "a" instead of that letter over on the other side of the keyboard "o". ohmy.gif
Your spelling is correct on it.

BTW I just found a work you might use if you want to make a dialog about socks. Back in 1547 they called them "stockes". I bet serval would swear you spelled it wrong. tongue.gif

Golden Thief
I think this is a typo

In the flirts
Leina: She looks at you with a forlorn look on her face, but she can not disguise the twinkle in those almond "shamed" eyes of hers as she waves back.

Don't you mean: almond "shaped" eyes?
GT,*Shaped* it should be. smile.gif

Leina talks to you ohmy.gif she's refusing to speak to me and me being all nice to her all the time. sad.gif
How are the flirts playing out, bearing in mind that whereas Leina isn't interested in love , she does admit to enjoying the warmth a man's arms around her can bring to a cold night.? smile.gif
Golden Thief
The options are great and the responses are what I would call normal to me.
Like when you whistle she has smiled and another time is discussed with men.

Some times they pop-up themselves or I can click on talk to her. They are not to often which is good. I like them cause they lead no where but to being freindly.

Oh, one thing I think vlad needs to put in as a check is on the talk about when Leina says she has talked to the Barkeep and there is enough hot water. I have gotten that in an Inn, in the forest and in De' Arnise Keep. It should only happen at an Inn or make one for outdoors by a river cause they smell like dirty "stockes". wacko.gif

I don't think they started until I was in the Underdark. I will go back and see if they happen in Halruaa.

Or it is my PC just has the chrisma. laugh.gif
Golden Thief
Nope on my last save in Halruaa she will not talk to me, nor before leaving for Spellhold.

The first save that I have that I can inniate the talk is just after I fought in the cages and won. I must have impressed her. rolleyes.gif

So that might be why you don't get to talk to her. laugh.gif
Golden Thief
Missing "as"

Samuel: Well, I suppose as long she is happy and content, that is all I can hope for.

After "as Long" shouldn't be another "as"
Oh, one thing I think vlad needs to put in as a check is on the talk about when Leina says she has talked to the Barkeep and there is enough hot water. I have gotten that in an Inn, in the forest and in De' Arnise Keep.

This is the major problem of BioWare areas - most of them are not flagged or flagged wrong. I can only replace the AREATYPE check for AREA code check, so if you don't visit some of the taverns in Athkatla you won't get this dialogue.
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