However, she didn't drop the heartstone gem, nor her scimiters, in fact I can't find her body at all and the door is locked trapping us.

I reloaded and did the fight again but the same occurred, still trapped and no gem.
The dialogue where Hrothgar speaks of the Marilith occurred ok after she went down, but no body.
I must say we were surprised by the summoner's elementals! We charged in confidently... yeh yeh done this before, piece of cake... expecting him to go down without a struggle only to be quickly overwhelmed by fire elementals.

Called for a re-load and a lesson learnt to tread more warily and to expect more of the unexpected. Nice one Vlad.

Please disregard the above Vlad. Not sure what was wrong, but I did another re-load and she eventually dropped the goodies. I'll keep the game saved but unless anyone else reports the same, I'll take it as a gremlin in my game/computer somewhere.