Aug 3 2005, 01:03 PM
I am stuck!Found Brianas letter and a way into the sewers,but there is a secret door i cannot open!?
Can anybody help,please?I would prefer some kind of walkthrough for the Halruaa main quest.
Thanx in advance!
BTW.Great mod so far!I love it!
Aug 3 2005, 05:24 PM
Brial, you mean... Anyway, I feel that we really need to post walkthrough in Halruaa. Let's ask Larrienne to do this...
First of all you have missed a lot of quests already, and one of them is Ring of Might quest which leads you to sewers. There you'll get a key from this door. Also I have posted six tips how to stay longer in Halruaa. If you find Brial's letter and met by Kim Sia, it means you have only one day before Kim Sia alarms the Academy. Please take this in mind. All in all you would probably like to return to one of your earlier saved games and to start enjoying Halruaa quests.
Aug 3 2005, 05:30 PM
Many thanx for your answer.I found Ezekiel in my first attempt (it took alltogether 5),then never again?
Solved this problem with Shadowkeeper.Sorry for cheating
Aug 4 2005, 09:05 AM
Solved this problem with Shadowkeeper
Sorry, I didn't understand. How and what's the problem could be solved with SK?
Aug 4 2005, 12:08 PM
I just cheated the appropiate key into my inventory,so I was able to open that door and continue with the quest.
Aug 4 2005, 01:32 PM
Please explain how did you find the appropriate key with SK? Did you look into .ARE with NI? Do you know that you cannot enter closed area without updating corresponding variables? Do you know that this is the direct way to mess all the variables connected to this area, and to ruin many quests?
Aug 4 2005, 02:10 PM
I was ready to take the risk.
I found the key just in the ItemBrowser by trial and error(Though I had luck and got the right one on first try).
The quests did not matter to me at this time;I only wanted to end this area,though I will play it again more carefully,I think.
For some reason I was not able to get the Ring of Might quest,as the Storekeeper(don`t remember his name) was NEVER there???(I got this quest on another try once).
Aug 5 2005, 05:44 AM
Is it ok to equip rings, amulets, cloaks, and quick items in halruaa?
Does the 2nd level divine spell flame sword( or whatever it is called) count as an equipped weapon?
Is a walkthrough for halruaa coming?
Is there any way to stop the first mages you meet from reading your mind?
Am I supposed to fight the mages who question you outside the walls?
Aug 6 2005, 11:32 AM
1. Yes.
2. I am not sure, you can check this.
3. Normally players write walkthroughs, at least it was so at TeamBG. You may ask Larrienne for help with writing the walkthrough.
4. No, but you may prevent them from escaping battlefield. Charm them, and you'll get two 16-level mages fighting Tertia at your side.
5. Sure, otherwise they will alarm the Academy.
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