* After saving Mother Egenia from the Talonites a cutscene plays and she proceeds over to the captives and tells them they are safe and free to leave. The only thing is that she walks into the 'fog of war' and you can't see anything. Is it possible to have the party follow close to her as she makes her way over there? Thus clearing the 'fog of war' in the process? And view her interaction with the freed villagers? In any case this is much better now and it makes sense as to why she'll stay there now.

* Both the acolytes of the forgotten god temple and the talonite priestesses seem to have un-interruptible spells. For example, their scripts have them casting spells while affected by Jaheira's insect plague. Is this on purpose to make combat with them more difficult? Or a bug?
There is a body located ~ x=3544, y=1295, Area: TT 4002. After going through 2 groups of bombardier beetles and a couple of lesser boring beetles, the corpse yields just some paltry gold. Just a suggestion, but it would be nice if it contained something a little more interesting like, perhaps, a light x-bow and some bolts for Jaheira or potions or just anything that will make it worth the side trip.
The traps are all fixed around Presio's apprentice and before last undead leiutenant and appear to be detectable and removable. Much better!
Presio's Staff of Super Power (heh, I like the title

) has a much better Icon. Good job on that one Vlad! It's also a very powerful weapon! It gave a bonus of 7 points to THACO in Quarterstaffs! (please note that this is not a complaint

) The loot and experience awards from the Presio battle are very nice.

The fight with Presio and bodyguard might be more challenging if Presio used her staff more and the bodyguard used the Helm of Brilliance. For example casting Globe of Invulnerability/ Lightning bolt of Paralyzation for Presio and Prismatic Spray for the bodyguard. Also I'd have Presio cast protection from normal missles so that unless the party rushes her with normal melee weapons in time...she will have a better chance of getting away.
** When I went to level up Jaheira and put another pip in crossbows for her she is missing the "+" and "-" buttons to add it in, thus making it impossible for her to advance beyond 3 pips in crossbows. I'll send you a screenshot Vlad.
* The 'Oil of Serpent Scales' are not giving the requisite AC bonus.
* The High Summoner's 'unidentified' staff has a messed title. When it is identified it looks to be okay.
* There is no experience award (I think this is a game bug though and not necessarily a mod specific problem...) for fighting of the high summoners' fire elementals, aerial servants, etc. Nice battle however and much improved over earlier versions!
Just a suggestion for more difficulty: how about giving the Yuan Ti Elites in level 5 of Dragon's Eye use 'Arrows of Biting'? Or something similar? It would make them a little bit harder oponents...
The fight with the High Baptist is challenging and very nicely done! Those Histachi pack a punch!
* When we got back to Kuldahar and after confronting the false Arundel, our Journal updated however it left the same entry under 'Quests' as well as under 'Done quests'. That being "Search for the Heartstone Gem". Since it is found, I would think this entry should be under the "Done Quests" heading only. Also, the regular Journal entries are good except that there is no Journal entry for the 5th level of Dragon's Eye or defeating Yxunomei...
Vlad, did you make the Scroll case and Gem bag you buy off of the Innkeeper able to contain an unlimited amount? I do have Ease of Use installed so I was wondering where it's coming from. In any case it sure is very nice to have.