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Full Version: Possible fix for DEATH animations
The Black Wyrm's Lair - Forums > Released mods - Baldur's Gate II > Bestial Animations
Hey there Galactygon. Just wanted to post that I might have found a possible solution for your death animation problem. I will test tonight and post tommorow but I am fairly certain that the unused MDOC,MMAX,and MKURT can actually have a weapon added to their animation and I am almost certain it DOES play the weapon animation upon death...even the twitch. there are some problems (namely having only 3 animation slots for all your animations as well as NO big foot circles)as well as benefits with this method but I will post those when I nail more of it down.
I am intrigued. smile.gif

well...lets see, theres good news and bad news.. wacko.gif
the good news is I was right the animations DO play upon death and Twitch
the bad news...well theres several.

1) The animations DO NOT use a seperate EAST BAM, in other words the game will mirror the animation. so maybe for todays high end computers(I tested on 1.5 ghz proccessor) this is fine, but I also tested it on my 400mhz machine and the framerate suffered horribly.

2) The animations use a series of angles not present in any of the other IE animations for creatures.
so lets take an IWD monster animation...there is a S,SW,W,NW,N,NE,E,and SE a total of 8 seperate animation angles
BUT the MAM,KURT, and DOC uses 17! theres S,SSW,SW,SWW,W,NNW,NW,NWW,N,etc..
Its still do-able (by tripling the SW,NW,NE,and SE animations) but relates in some wierd issues...namely the creature facing slightly the wrong way when looks...well kind of dry.gif

3) There is NO Sleep or Get Up just plays the death animation upon being put to sleep and then reverses the death animation IN-Game to play the Get up animation....this will probably look wierd if the Death animation uses spilled guts and blood.

If your still interested this is the format to create a MMAX,MDOC or KURT

consists of :
Stand Combat
Stand Down
Get Hit

consists of:
Attack 1
Attack 2
Attack 3
Attack 4 (this is for xbows or or the other..your choice)
Attack 5 (this is used when a throwing dagger,axe,dart is used)
Casting of Spell
Spell Release

and the weapon uses the 2 letter prefix at the end of the animation
so if I wanted a short sword I would create the animation the same as above and call it: MMAXG1S1 and MMAXG2S2 respectively.

NOTE: Each animation must consist of 9 sequences:

9 (True North)
5 (True West)
1 (True South)
I have never thought the Kurt animations might work upon death; I might look into that sometime during the future.

What I am really looking for are ways to give death animations to the IWD slots.

But yes, this should solve a couple of problems for a couple of creatures.

hmmm just thinkin' out loude here, (I know next to nothing of IEs code and other stuff.. unsure.gif ) but couldn't you make a script to make the creatur play an spell animation on death ? and then transform the death animations to spell animations...? ofcorse this would leave a angle problem wacko.gif
Yes, I initially thought about that (the angles should theoretically work), but we have a problem with stunned/unconscious/held creatures not setting off the script command when they only reach 1HP.

Brave Sir Garrick
You said it would not work for stunned/held creatures, etc... This is just an idea totally out of the blue... but what about a "remove all effects" script or spell on death? Or even on the spell that plays the death animation. Have it remove all effects and then play the death animation. If a complete heal/remove effects is needed, have it do that, but then kill the creature and play the animation. Sorry if this is not clear, but it was just a random though I had when reading this post.
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