Last time i seen the basilisk anim was wrong because the transparent color wasn't in palette entry 0.
Yeah, I remember that. I have the basillisk file on my HD I'll look at it and see if I fixed it already..(my mind..

I noticed that many of the coloumns and such are slanted in one direction, and that the areas don't use the same orthogonal/isometric angles the game uses. Is this intentional?
These areas were done a waays back before I had any info on specific parameters for world axis, so I did it by eye as best as I could. you can actually set them up using PSP by resizing just the vertical. It doesn't really lose any detail and will change the perspective to more closely match BG's atmosphere...but I figured it works now...I'll get to it later..after I finish this ...and then edit that.....

(and we all know how that turns out...)
you'll see the progression of the areas not only in perspective but detail as well as I roll more of them out the door..